Showing posts with label Men's Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Men's Health. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Rez Bar Protein Bar Review

Get Rez Protein Bar
Oh man... Need me a Rez Bar to get back in the game!

Hey there. You know, I recently started working out again. After surgery, I was practically prohibited from really doing much in exercise. Just this past month or so, I started to feel confident enough to start building up a sweat so I started to lift weights and go out for a run here and there. First thing that I noticed is that I am really out of shape. lol My stamina is no where near where it was pre-surgery and my body is not as strong as it was either. I'm going to have to work on my stamina and strength. It's almost as if I've been knocked down and am just getting back up again. It seems as if I need to be revived... I need to get rez'd.. or better yet... I need a Rez Bar. Our good friends at Get Rez has hooked me up with a box of 10 of their amazing peanut butter and chocolate (anything that's peanut butter and chocolate is amazing) Get Rez Protein Bar. Is this just the boost that I need to help me boost my stamina and strength stats to get me back to my pre-workout levels? So what is a Rez Bar? What does it do? And is it awesome? Let's find out! But first, let's talk stats!

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 Healthy Hacks for Staying Fit During the Holidays

Hey there. Being healthy doesn’t mean you can’t indulge a little during the holidays. Keep the following tips in mind if you want to enjoy your holiday festivities without the guilt.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

What You Should Know About Cannabis Dependency And How To Recover

Cannabis Plant

Cannabis is no longer a new concept in today's world as it has spread its tentacles far and wide and it has gotten very many people. Today's youths are the most affected and it is very sad to see that some nations are actually legalizing it. They are actually destroying their young people without them even noticing. Cannabis, however, has both its benefits and its disadvantages but in most cases, the disadvantages will overshadow the advantages. The thing with cannabis is that is highly addictive and it creates a high dependence on its host. It is a stimulant that will affect the brain and the nervous system at an advanced stage.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

How To Plan A Shaving Regime


Never let anything rob you of the pleasure of certain things in your life, shaving being one of them. I am a strong believer in that shaving time is one of the most quality time that you can have and from this, you should actually enjoy it. I tend to think it should be added on the list of some of the relaxation techniques. However, you cannot just wake up at any time and think now I feel like shaving. This might apply to some people but trust me it won't work on all, thanks to all the tight schedules and commitments. Trust me your body also needs your attention and commitment as well.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Does Marijuana Have Any Impact On Muscle Growth?

Hey there.  If you are looking to build up your muscles, you might be worried about the effects that marijuana will have on this. Fortunately, there are studies which have been done to determine the impact of marijuana on muscle growth. To fully understand the effects, you will need to know what the studies say and if this will be true for you.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Dalliance Adult Classy Restraint Kit for Beginners

Dalliance Adult Classy Bondage Kit for Beginners
Hey there.  It's been awhile since I had the chance to review some stuff for us couples out there and what better way to get back into the game then now.  The wife and I have been chatting it up recently and talked about different ways we can stay turn up the heat and have a little fun in the bedroom.  You see, keeping things interested in a marriage can be tricky and finding new ways to bond with your partner is never a bad thing.  Especially when that marriage is approching 15 years long.  Singing and dancing the same old song and dance can be boring and sometimes you just need a little something to spice things up.  This is where the Classy Restraint Kit by Dalliance comes into play.  Before we get into the experience, let's check in on the contents.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Moroccan Argan Oil by RoseMyst Review

Moroccan Argan Oil
Hey there.  I've had long hair for most of my life.  I've made a conscience effort to let my hair grow for about 7 years and then donate my long locks to charity.  Because of this, I need to make sure that my hair looks healthy and stays healthy.  One of the things that I found unpleasant is the frizz.  I found that when my hair was frizzy, I couldn't style it or control it... and if I let it loose, I found myself breaking strands of hair left and right.  Luckily, my wife introduced me to this stuff called Moroccan Oil in effort to control that frizz and keep my hair healthy.  I tried quite a few Moroccan Oils, actually.  Some felt real heavy, like actual oil, others were soft but smelled like crap.  I was ready to drop the stuff until I tried this Moroccan Argan Oil by RoseMyst.  Oh man, this is some of the good stuff and it's relatively cheap too!  Before I get into my experience, let's talk specs!

Monday, January 25, 2016

2016... The Year of Better Health

Doc... you sure I can't walk this off?
Hey there friends.  Let me start off by offering you all an apology.  I haven't been as active as I have hoped and I haven't been as prompt to reply to Emails as I would have liked.  I have plenty of reviews coming in the next few weeks and I'll have plenty of blog posts that are scheduled.  The reason for my lack of involvement has been my shift in focus.  This year... I plan to focus on my health and fitness.  Now... that doesn't mean that I'm going to ignore my online duty as an awesome reviewer and giverawayer of stuffs.  lol  It just means that I'm actually going to spend some time and take care of myself.  I promised my significant other that I'll finally get to it.  I've been one of those that would avoid doctors like the plague and just walk off whatever is ailing me, but there is something that I just couldn't walk off...

Monday, July 20, 2015

Iron Chest Master by Ron Williams Review

Iron Chest Master by Ron Williams
Time to work on this chest!

Hey there.  One of the things that I wish I had more time for is fitness.  This past year, my fitness routine has suffered.  I don't have time for the gym, I don't have time to go run in the mornings (unless it's during the weekend), and I don't have time to do anything else but work.  Sounds like a bunch of excuses, right?  Well, I thought the same thing!  No excuses!  I have a body, I have arms and legs, have a heart, and I have a determination to get and stay fit!  So...  since time is a factor, I decided that I'm going to try several workout stuffs at home.  I've already had a great start with one hell of a jump rope but that's mainly for cardio.  I need something that's going to help make me look and feel stronger and nothing screams out strength like a well defined chest and arms!  And to help me achieve those results?  The Iron Chest Master by Ron Williams!  Our good friends at Iron Chest Master saw that I needed the workout and sent me the Iron Chest Master by Ron Williams to try out and review!  After a few weeks of building a better upper body, I am ready to give you guys the scoop on this awesome home exercise device!  So let's get right into my experience with this awesome machine!

Friday, April 17, 2015

SizErect Ultra Review

I was a bit skeptical when it came to trying out a male enhancement pill to try out and review, especially when there are so many options out there, but I can honestly say that I was quite surprised by how well this works. It doesn't matter if you are a stud in the bedroom or if you need a little help, having a boost to your performance and stamina is always a good thing. Especially when we seem to do more work than play. By the time it's time to play, you'll be so drained that it would take long to get going and completely kill the mood. Well, you can kiss that scenario good bye with these SizErect Ultra pills.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Naturalico Fast Speed Cable Jump Rope Review

Naturalico Fast Speed Jump Rope
Hey there.  I am back into fitness mode!  I had a long time away from fitness due to all my time being spent on home renovations and work.  But I was finally able to carve some time out of my schedule to take care of me.  I've started to run early mornings and I've started to finish off my day with a little jump rope session.  I think jumping rope is an awesome cardio exercise.  It pumps you up, it works out your calves and abs, and if Rocky does it, why not I?  lol  Anyways, I've gone through quite a bit of ropes in my lifetime.   They either ripped, broke, or were not the right length for me.  I always thought that that was just how it was with jump ropes.  You changed them up every year or so.  Especially if you get good use out of it.  Well, my friends, I've been throwing money away on jump ropes all these years.  Our good friends at Naturalico created one hell of a jump rope that will stand the test of time.  It has a high speed cable with 4 high grade metal bearing to help increase speed and RMPs.  It's perfect for cross fit training!  And guess what, they provided me with a Naturalico Fast Speed Cable Jump Rope to review!  So why is this jump rope top tier?  Let me give you my thoughts.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

All Natural Caralluma Fimbriata Extract 1000mg Review

Hey there.  It has been almost a full year since I last hit the gym.  Not because I don't want to go, it's just that it has been one extremely eventful year for me that I just have not been able to get back into health mode.  I moved to a new city, commuting further to work (and getting home later), and buying a new house has keep me from carving out the time to exercise and take care of myself.  But now, that's about to change.  Things have begun to settle down and a new gym just opened up down the street from my place.  That means it's time to get back into health mode.  And with that, it's time to stock up on my supplements.  Aside from my multivitamins, I decided that I'm going to help reduce my carb intake.  I can be horrible when it comes to carb consumption and I know that a carb suppressant would be extremely beneficial to someone like me.  That's why I am glad that our good friends at Schwartz Bioresearch sent me an All Natural Caralluma Fimbriata Extract Maximum Strength Carb Blocker and Fat Burner!  I have had a full month's supply now and I am ready to give you my honest opinions so let's get to it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The ShaveMOB Stocking Stuffer

Hey there.  You know, my wife always said that when I shave, I look a lot younger.  She's even said that I carry myself a little better.  That exude confidence.  It's exactly what I need at work.  It's important for me to be and look my best at the work place.  While the scruffy look works great in certain industries, I've come to learn that it simply does not in the finance world.  I've used many razors, trying to the find the one that works best for me.  And it seems like the universe is telling me that shaving needs to be a more integral part of my life.  How?  Well, my brother is pushing me to join a shaving club, my wife suggests I join a shaving club, TV is telling me that shaving clubs are awesome.  Hmmm...  sure does seem like I need to join a shaving club.  And just when I was about to start and check them out, the blogging gods intervened.  The good guys at ShaveMOB reached out to me and asked if I would like to check out their Mens Stocking Stuffer.  I jumped at the opportunity.  So before I get into my experience, here are the contents of the Mens Stocking Stuffer:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Speed Stick GEAR Deodorant VoxBox Review

Hey there.  There are many deodorants out there on the market.  And let's not kid ourselves, some of the ads and commercials for those deodorants can be quite persuasive.  But you know what... Nothing speaks more than actually trying out the product.  That's why I was pretty excited about receiving the SpeedStick GEAR VoxBox from our good friends at Influenster.  I've seen and heard about it and even caught a commercial or two about its 24 hour protection, but I never got around to trying out a stick.  There's no excuse now!  The Speed Stick GEAR VoxBox provided me with 2 Speed Stick GEAR deodorant with drycore technology.  After switching it out with my regular deodorant stick for about 2 weeks, I can now give you guys some feedback as to how awesome this antiperspirant is.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

MicroTouch SwitchBlade All in One Groomer Review

Hey there.  Like most men, I have a morning ritual.  I get up, get dressed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and then I shave.  That shaving one is optional.  I can go a few mornings without shaving and it's mainly because I don't want to take the time to get everything I need for the best possible shave.  And other times, I don't need a full one shave.  I need to touch up on some rouge strands of hair in my 'stache or goatee.  I want to look my best at the office but sometimes I just don't have the time in the mornings.  Enter the MicroTouch SwitchBlade All in One Groomer.  Our good friends at Ideavillage and FuelMyBlog provided me with this great grooming tool to try out and review and let me tell you...  this groomer is absolutely perfect for touch ups.  Before I get into my experience with the MicroTouch SwitchBlade, let's get into some product details.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Micro Touch One Razor Review

Micro Touch One Razor
The Micro Touch One Razor and it's carrying case
Hey there.  How many of you guys have found a razor that gives you a close shave and doesn't hurt?  I'm pretty that's not many of you.  The multi blade razors that are out on the market do a great job at first but after a few shaves, they start to pull on your hair.  And you know what... it SUCKS!  It's one of the main reasons why I hold off to the last possible minute to shave.  Even though I have a great hair softener and shaving gel, if the razor is just not up to par, your shaving experience will not be a pleasant one.  That's why when our good friends at Micro Touch One decided to send me a Micro Touch One Razor to try out and review, I was not too thrilled about having to go through a shaving experience with a new razor.  Especially one that is NOT multi blade.  Even though I came into this experience with a bit of unease, I came out simply loving the Micro Touch One Razor.  Let me tell you why.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The AVEENO Men's Collection for a Wonderful, Close Shave

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Dad Central Consulting for AVEENO. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Hey there.  I have a love/hate relationship with shaving.  I love that I can snuggle close to my wife after a good, close shave, but I hate the nicks, cuts, and razor burn that sometimes comes with shaving.   I wouldn't say that I have sensitive skin, but if I go about a week without shaving, I can almost guarantee myself that my shaving experience won't be a good one.  Sometimes, it would get to a point where I would try to avoid shaving!  lol  But as most men would tell you, going that long without shaving will leave your face very prickly and snuggle time with the wife will go down to zero... Nobody wants thier face scratched by stubble!  I've tried to switch up my razor and that didn't help.  I even switched from shaving gel to foam to back again.  I just couldn't find a good enough product that will leave my skin feeling good and provided me with a close, comfortable shave.  That is, until I was introduced to the AVEENO Men's Collection.  Our good friends at AVEENO and Dad's Central provided me with a set of the AVEENO Men's Collection, which consisted of a face wash, shaving gel, and aftershave.  After more than a few shaving sessions, I'm ready to give my thoughts and insights on the AVEENO Men's Collection.  Let's get to it.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Metallman's Reverie Update

Metallman here, with today's update
Hey there.  I just wanted to drop by and a leave a quick post about what's going on at Metallman's Reverie. I haven't had much time as of late since I've been working on other projects so I want to give you guys a run down as to what the game plan is.  I want to update you guys on the fundraising, the reviews, the giveaways, and the events planned.  So let's get to it.

First off, the Get a Life podcast is not dead.  lol  I've gotten some reader feedback asking when the next episode is going to air.  My Get a Life partner in crime is traveling at the moment so we decided that it we would take a few weeks off while he travels the north east part of the country.  We'll resume the podcast once he settles in and we're good to go.  I'm genuinely flattered that some of you guys are asking about it.  Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  lol

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Experiencing Thinning Hair or Hair Loss? Viviscal Man is Here to Help!

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Dad Central Consulting for Viviscal. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Viviscal Hair
Hey there.  I'm now in my early thirties.  I'm just now beginning to take better care of myself.  Actually, I started about a year or so ago.  I trained for a few obstacle courses, took my supplements, started to pay a little more attention to what I eat, generally, just got my self in better shape overall.  One thing that didn't occur to me to check on the health of my hair.  I know that many of us guys simply refuse to acknowledge that many of us will not have our long locks during our later years of our life.  It happens.  That's why I say you should enjoy it now while you know it's still there.  But what if you are already seeing signs of a receding hairline and thinning hair?  No worries, friends!  Viviscal Man is here to help!