Friday, June 14, 2013

The Return of Mega Man

It hurts to see you this way, Mega Man.
Hey there.  See that above comic strip?  That comic strip hit home when I first saw it.  I damn near teared up.  For those of you that do not get the reference, that's Mario in the limo calling Masahiro Sukarai, the designer of the Super Smash Bros. franchise, to ask for a favor to help out an old friend.  It's one touching comic.  Subtle, yet powerful.  Also, it's very appropriate.  Mega Man was one of those NES titles that helped launch Nintendo into the video game world.  I've played all of the the Mega Man games on the early Nintendo platforms.  They were awesome, they were engaging, and most of all, they I felt a sense of pride when completing the games.  For whatever reason, Capcom and Mega Man parted ways with Nintendo and I strongly believe that was a huge mistake on Capcom's part.  Mega Man had games, such as Mega Man Legends, but they weren't the same.  Soon, before you knew it... the Blue Bomber was forgotten.  Left on the way side.  That is... until now.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Metallman's Reverie Update

Metallman here, with today's update
Hey there.  I just wanted to drop by and a leave a quick post about what's going on at Metallman's Reverie. I haven't had much time as of late since I've been working on other projects so I want to give you guys a run down as to what the game plan is.  I want to update you guys on the fundraising, the reviews, the giveaways, and the events planned.  So let's get to it.

First off, the Get a Life podcast is not dead.  lol  I've gotten some reader feedback asking when the next episode is going to air.  My Get a Life partner in crime is traveling at the moment so we decided that it we would take a few weeks off while he travels the north east part of the country.  We'll resume the podcast once he settles in and we're good to go.  I'm genuinely flattered that some of you guys are asking about it.  Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  lol

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Experiencing Thinning Hair or Hair Loss? Viviscal Man is Here to Help!

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Dad Central Consulting for Viviscal. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Viviscal Hair
Hey there.  I'm now in my early thirties.  I'm just now beginning to take better care of myself.  Actually, I started about a year or so ago.  I trained for a few obstacle courses, took my supplements, started to pay a little more attention to what I eat, generally, just got my self in better shape overall.  One thing that didn't occur to me to check on the health of my hair.  I know that many of us guys simply refuse to acknowledge that many of us will not have our long locks during our later years of our life.  It happens.  That's why I say you should enjoy it now while you know it's still there.  But what if you are already seeing signs of a receding hairline and thinning hair?  No worries, friends!  Viviscal Man is here to help!

Couponing Online Saves the Family Budget

Like everyone else, I keep hearing that the economy is getting better. Unfortunately, no one has told my bank account the good news. Things are still tight for me and for most of my friends, so we were all thrilled when I discovered online.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D at the Los Angeles Zoo Nintendo Event

Oh yeah!  I'm there for the event!!!
Hey there.  Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend and it was a time of remembrance.  Many of us spent the day out with our families and gave thanks to those brave men and women of the United States Military that gave everything they had to protect the freedoms that this great nation believes in. Many of us celebrated by enjoying that freedom by enjoying it with our families.  I spent Memorial Day weekend with my family as well.  But I also spent it with Nintendo.  How so?  Well, this Memorial Day weekend, the great people at Nintendo offered my family and I a press pass to enjoy the LA Zoo AND meet Donkey Kong!  How awesome is that?!