Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Importance of Taking a Mental Health Day

A strong indication that you need a Mental Health Day!
Hey there.  You know... I work to hard.  I don't take many vacations.  Not because I don't want to, but because I always seem needed at work.  I've been working at the same place for well over 8 years now...  it will be 9 years this May.  And even though I am proud that I have managed to discover a career, it's tough to know that the time off is rare.  And if I do get time off, it's in small spurts.  I could never request weeks, let alone, a full month off at work.  It's just not possible.  With my, I'm lucky to get 3 days straight.  That was what was supposed to happen this week, but it didn't.  Instead, I'm settling for today, Friday, off and next Wednesday and Thursday.  Mondays and Tuesdays and are out of the question because of the meetings that I am a part of.  I think that I need to simply accept that this is what it is and cherish the moments that I can take off from work.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Top Movies to Catch This Easter Period

Hey there.  Are you parent that can't seem to pry your kids away from video games?  Never fear!  Although I condone a healthy dose of daily video games, I also condone a healthy dose of family time and what better way to do that than with family movie night!  Check out some of the awesome movies that will keep your family entertain during this Easter period.

A Thousand Words
Starring Eddie Murphy, A Thousand Words tells the story of Jack McCall, a literary agent famed for his ability to close any deal. In the movie, Jack targets Dr. Sinja, yet Dr. Sinja is wise to his ways and plants a magical Bodhi tree in his backyard. Whenever Jack speaks, a leaf drops from the tree and he soon realizes that upon the fall of the last leaf, bad things will happen to him. This leads to Jack conjuring up outrageous ways in which to communicate with others. Will be released on April the 6th.  This film is most suitable for high school kids.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Thoughts on... The Lorax

Hey there.  This weekend was the opening weekend of the film, The Lorax.  We haven't been to the theaters in awhile and I figured that it would be a great way to get out of heat (it was pretty hot in Southern California) and get into a nice air conditioned room and catch a movie.  Considering that 3D was only a dollar more per ticket, we went with the 3D version instead of the 2D version.  I'm still not sold on the whole 3D thing, but it does make movies a tad more interesting to watch.  After the popcorn was in the bucket, and the candy and nachos were passed out, we finally got to watching the film.  As with all of my "Thoughts on... posts, there are SPOILERS AHEAD.  If you plan on watching this film anytime soon, go check it out and then come back.  Here are my thoughts on...  The Lorax.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thoughts on... High School of the Dead

Hey there.  Recently, it's been tough getting my horror film fix on.  Young eyes are everywhere recently and I don't want to expose the kids to anything that they shouldn't see.  I mentioned to kids the other day how I used to watch "scary movies" with my dad when I was a young boy.  Great films such as The Fly and cult classics such as Phantasm.  lol  I remember being 6 or 7 and lying in bed late at night watching those kind of films with him.  I understand the sentiment behind his actions.  He very well just wanted to share a hobby of his with his young son.  However, being a father myself, I'm not so sure that was the best idea you had, Dad!  lol  Nevertheless, my love for horror started right then and there and though I would love for my kids to catch that bug, I wouldn't make them sit through some of the stuff I see.  Especially something like High School of the Dead.  Here are my thoughts on...  High School of the Dead.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Getting Ready for a Young Lady

Hey there. Last weekend, I was drawing with the kids. Well, actually with the girls. They drew something for me and I would do my interpretation of that drawing. I figured that it was a little something that they may remember many years from now. What I didn't realize at the time is that those years are flying by a little too quickly for my liking. My oldest daughter is 10.  That is only a few years away from her quinceñera.  For those of you not in the know, it's a party thrown on the 15th birthday of a young lady to usher her in to womanhood.  Now... 15 does not make you a woman... but I guess the significance is that she is no longer a "child".  It's the moment that fathers everywhere dread.  It's the moment that you come to face the fact that daddy's little girl is growing up.

So why the revelation?  It's this drawing.  She drew herself and I did my version of her.  My drawing gave me a glimpse of what she could become in a few short years.  Well, I knew that it was coming.  I've even joked with her and said that I will embarrass her as much as possible before she won't find me "funny" anymore.  I've already declared that I will do the robot during our quinceñera dance.  lmao!  And I already see some of that luster come off.  My jokes aren't as funny, my mannerisms aren't as witty, and, to her, they're coming off as embarrassing or stupid.  It's ok, though.  That's not going to stop me from trying.  *sigh*  

Where's that parent instruction manual?  lol  Later!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Making Hickory Farms a Family Tradition

Hey there.  No matter what goes down in your daily life, at the end of the day, you come home to your family.  Always inviting, always waiting there for.  It's the best time of day, actually.  Well, at least for me it is.  After working hard all day, it's great to be able to spend some time with the wife and kids and dinner time is a great way to open up with each other and share the day's experiences.  It's a welcome change from the stresses of being a working parent.  And nothing makes the conversation better than an awesome meal from the wife.  But not just any meal, but a meal prepared using some Hickory Farms products.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Getting Screwed by Bank of America... Again

Hey there.  I have strong disdain towards Bank of America.  Throughout my years, they have managed to screw me over with my checking account, a credit card, and now my home.  Or should I say, previous home.  That's right, the bastards took my house.  It's a long story, one that starts about 2 years ago, but the stress didn't amp up until March of this year.  So here's the story...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

P&G Family Movie Night Presents: Game of Your Life

Hey there.  Our good friends at Walmart and P&G have another great film on the horizon!  Game of Your Life is set to air on Friday, December 2nd on NBC at 8pm ET/7pm CT.  If you guys are not familiar with these films, they are family films that you can sit and watch with the family that primarily focus on tough subject matters that kids should know about.  They are films of morals, loyalty, family,drugs, and the like, that can open the door for parents to talk with their kids about these tough subject matters.  These talks can no longer be awkward when the film has already nudged the conversation to start.  This week's film is no different.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Are You Ready For Some UNO Roboto?

Hey there.  Who doesn't like to play the classic game of UNO?  I used to play this with my family and friends all the time.  When ever a deck of UNO cards were sitting around in someone's house, we'd all gather to play. Even today, it's one of the few games from my childhood that I enjoy playing.  It has it all, deception, unpredictability, strategy, and plenty of laughs!  So when the opportunity came knocking to try out UNO Roboto, I just had to jump on it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thoughts on... The Duggars Expecting Their 20th Child

Hey there.  Many years ago, the world was introduced to the Duggar family.  TLC first brought them to the limelight with their spectacular show, 16 and Counting (I think...).  Since then, the Duggars have welcomed a few more additions to their family and have even welcomed a grandchild.  All showcased on TLC for the world to hear.  Today, the Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar appeared on NBC's Today Show and announced that they are now expecting their 20th child.  WOW!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

TGI Fridays "Entree for One" is Making Dinner Easy for Dad's Everywhere

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of T.G.I. FRiDAY'S for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Entrées For OneHey there.  As of late, my wife has been out of commission.  Since she had surgery (more on that real soon), she's been confined to her bed resting.  That leaves me to tend to her, the kids, and the house work and let me tell you something... it's hard work!  Between the cleaning, the laundry, the dogs, the kids, and all other chores, I need to think about dinner.  Now, let's get this straight.  I'm no Chef Ramsey.  Yeah, I can get some of the basics down and they're more than edible (I think so at least) but mac and cheese and hot dogs can get pretty old pretty fast.  That's why I've turned to quick and easy cooking during my time as both mom and dad.  Good thing that T.G.I. FRiDAY’S “Entrées for One” has been perfet for our family.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Boosting the Kids' Immune System with Emergen-C

The breakfast of champions!
Hey there.  You know, as a parent, it's tough to make sure that your kids get the right nutrients in their body.  Especially when you have younger kids.  You make the healthy foods for them, but something is always wrong with it.  Phrases like, "I don't like this.",  "Was is that?", or "It's nasty, Mom." seem to be the norm whenever we decide to make a healthy dinner.  You would figure that after awhile, the kids will get accustomed to eating healthy and will soon stop complaining.  I guess kid DNA is configured to detest healthy foods.  lol  Anyways, I know that the kids are healthy and active, but that doesn't mean that they are getting the right nutrients or at least sufficient amount of nutrients in their system.  So when I received 3 boxes of Emergen-C Vitamin Supplement drinks, I was excited.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Finally Taking my Daughters to See Chicago on Broadway

Guest post written by Esther Hall

Back when I was first planning our recent trip to New York City, I was having a really hard time figuring out exactly which Broadway play I should take my kids to go and see. I know that some of the plays can be a little risque, but then again I have teenage girls and I'm sure that I can find something that won't be nearly as bad as some of the reality TV shows that I've caught them watching before.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Benefit of Being in the Military - VA Loans

Hey there.  I have a few friends that recently finished their duty in the military.  It's been over 10 years since I've seen them in high school and I remember during that senior year how military personnel would go to the school and provide us with information about joining.  At the time, you tell yourself, the army, the best of the best are sent off to fight wars.  You really only get that message as a young adult.  You strive to better yourself.  For those young adults that struggled during high school, they see it as means to start over.  For those that are grateful for all the opportunities that they've had in this great country, they see it as a civil service to give back.  But as a young adult, you never really think about the long term benefits.  You're not thinking of buying a home or of a family.  One of the greatest benefits for being in the military is qualifying for a Military VA loan.

Friday, August 19, 2011

UPromise Wants to Hear Your Dream

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of UPromise for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
correct spelling_UPromise_Brand_728x90_static.jpg
UPromise is celebrating it's 10th anniversary!  Can you believe it's been 10 years already?  I've been a fan of UPromise for many years now and if you haven't signed up to earn cash back for college, you definitely should. UPromise members have already received over $600 million in college savings and now it's time to celebrate with a sweepstakes.  UPromise is having a sweepstakes that will grant $1,000 to 10 winners and a grand prize winner will score the $10,000 prize.  How do you participate?  By daring to support a child's dream by sharing your experience.

Go to and share your experience of a parent that has supported a child's dream.  Whether it be a single mother working 2 jobs to help pay for college or a parent trading in a cherished possession to obtain a musical instrument for their child.  There are many good deeds done everyday to help spark an interest in education in children.  Whether it be arts, music, or language, a child's eagerness to learn starts at home and when parents go beyond the call of duty for thier kids, they must be praised.  Once you have shared your story, you can vote for winners by "liking" their stories.  You can check out the dream wall official rules to make sure you qualify to enter.

So what's my story?  My experience?  Coming from the inner city, it was tough to get school without some obstacles.  It would have been easy lose focus on school and fall into "temptations" and it didn't help that my mother, being a single mother at that, worked most of the day to help support out family.  I was into music.  I needed an instrument and I stayed long hours in school.  My brother was into basketball.  He needed money for tournaments and equipment.  My music instructor/his basketball coach/our family pushed and supported us in any way that they could.  We struggled.  We learned.  We managed.  We thrived.  These are the people that helped shape our lives.

So what's your experience?  Who in your life sparked that special interest in school.  A teacher?  A coach?  A family member?  Share that experience on the UPromise dream wall and you may end up being a winner!  Remember that these are real life experiences and we need to spread the word of good deeds.  Share the most awesome stories and let's spread the word that the UPromise dream wall is here!  Best of luck, friends.  Later!
Visit Sponsor's Site

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Introducing the Pillow Pet

Hulk, Ultimate Warrior, and The Million Dollar Man, Oh yeaaaaah!
Hey there.  I know these things have been hanging around for quite some time but I've never really jumped on the craze.  Turns out that pillow pets are pillows in the shape of animals.  I guess the pillow pets of my era where the WWF (or WWE now a days...) Pillow Buddies.  Those were pretty cool.  They were pillows that looked like your favorite wrestlers and well... you would wrestle with them.  I guess kids these days would prefer hugable pillows instead of bear hugable pillows.  lol

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dance Central for the Xbox Kincet

Hey there.  When the Xbox Kinect first came out, I was a little skeptical of it's use and it's longevity.  I figured that petting animals and pretending to kick a ball would not have the lasting appeal that many hardcore gamers are looking for.  Nevertheless, when I offered a Kinect at a bargain price, I picked it up.  I figured that I would use it as a means of exercise.  I even picked up the Zumba dance game for it in hopes to increase my dancing stats. lol

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Spending a Day at the San Gabriel River

Hey there friends.  You know what the tough part of having a birthday on a holiday is?  It has to be better than just a regular birthday.  My daughter's birthday is July 4th, the same as America's birthday, and every year we try to make it just a little more interesting for her.  This year, we decided to take her and the kids to the San Gabriel River.  Just a short drive away from downtown Los Angeles, the San Gabriel River runs though the Los Angeles Forest.  The wife and I both went there as kids and thought that it would be great to go and take the kids to a spot that we visited back in the day.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Attention All Geeks! Use Geek Alerts for All Your Geeky Needs

Hey there friends.  I'm a geek at heart.  I love all things tech, I'm the "computer guy" of the family, I play video games, and I love geeky movies like the Cube series.  So when I stumbled across Geek Alerts, I knew I found a new home to satisfy my taste for all things geek.