Monday, May 20, 2013

A Young Man and Summertime Sports

His first of what I hope is many sporting events for the boy!
Hey there.  The weather is getting warmer and it's time to get the kids outside and have them play some sports!  I'm glad to see that the kids are FINALLY beginning to show more interest in sports.  Especially my oldest.  He's an athletic guy and I've been waiting for him to decide that he is ready to start playing.  I don't want to be one of those overbearing parents that dictate their kid's hobbies.  I let him be and when he's ready, he's ready.  He can play baseball, football, and basketball and he seems more suited for baseball or basketball.  Come to think of it... he can even do track too!  He's expressed much interest in running as well!  Almost forgot about that one!  lol  I say that the boy (14 yrs) will do in anything that he puts his mind in.  I'm sure that once he's in high school, he'll make that final decision, but until now, we'll play basketball and we'll go out and throw the baseball around.  We end up throwing the baseball more than anything else, actually, and I think he's beginning to find his sport.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition Winner

Congrats, Christina!
Hey there.  Check out this awesome picture that I recently received from the Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition winner, Christina!  She can't wait til she gets to pop this baby into her Xbox 360 and get started on exploring the dystopian world of Rapture!  But it looks like her son jumped in and snatched it away from mom so it's looks like our winner, Christina will have to wait until he goes to bed!!!  lol

Friday, May 17, 2013

Whiteflash Jewelry is Perfect for Anniversary Gifts

Hey there.  Next year, the wife and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary.  Yup.  10 blissful years.  We plan on renewing our vows and hope to have a wedding where all of our friends and family can attend.  Our last wedding was pretty small and we would like to have a pretty big party this time around.  Anyways, 10 years is a pretty big milestone.  That's a whole decade!  Aside from renewing our vows, I would like to get my wife the gift of diamonds.  I don't think I'll opt to get a bigger ring, since I think she already has a pretty big ring, but I am thinking of getting her a diamond pendant or some diamond studs.  I don't want to get just any diamonds, though.  I want to get top quality diamonds.  Something I know is special and will WOW her.  I need some Whiteflash contact diamonds!  Or I should say, CONFLICT FREE diamonds!

Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi Fortune Cookies

I LOVE Yoshi's reaction!  LMAO!!!

Save Over 10% on ZigReetrek TR Shoes Now

The wife and I stop for a pic while hiking
Hey there.  The wife and I recently took up hiking as a means to get fit outside of the gym.  We've gone to the Turnbull Canyon Hiking trails on more than a few occasions and it's something that we simply love.  The one thing that we don't love?  Our footing.  We both have "sports" shoes that we wear when we go hiking but we don't have as great traction when climbing up those steep hills.  The last thing we want is to lose our footing and come tumbling down.  That's why we've started looking for proper outdoor running shoes and the Reebok ZigReetrek TR running shoes seem to the ones that are right up our alley.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Time to Tackle Organization with a Brother P Touch Labeler

Hey there.  It's time to tackle the garage.  Spring cleaning season is in full effect and Summer is just around the corner.  That means that stuff needs to be cleaned and organized because once Summer rolls around, everyone is going to be looking for their Summer stuff.  Whether that be the slip and slide, summer toys, the cooler, or the beach chairs.  Our Summers in Southern California are usually spent at the beach and, though it's one great time for the family, getting all of our stuff ready for the trip never is.  "Mom, where is my football!"  "Dad, I can't find the cooler!"  "Mommy, where is my water gun?!"  If you're a parent, you know the drill.  Nobody can find anything when it's time to go.  But you know what?  That's not going to happen this year.  We're prepared.  Well... at least we're going to be.  Thanks to our good friends at Mom Central, we have obtained Brother P Touch Labeler!  I know it's not a miracle worker, but it's going to make our lives a lot easier!  Let me explain.