Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Unknown Solidier

The wind howls as it moves across the sky. The luminescence of the moon makes an appearance between the clouds, making the sakura twinkle and dance as they fall, rivaling the beauty of the stars. A serpent slithers its way across a branch, searching for dinner. It's scales grinds across the bark, as it approaches a sparrow. Suddenly, the moon disappears, the howling stops, and the grinding halts. Deafening silence.

In darkness, shadows fly without their makers, speeding across the land. Off in the distance, a small cube, no more than 100 sq feet, cries out to them. They dart in the cube's directing, paying to mind to the trees and they go through the wall and hover in the middle. They gather around a body, sprawled across the floor. No warmth, no breath, no life. In unison, the shadows breathe out. Their breath, reaching the reaching the lungs of the body, causes no change. A second breath cries out and chills the body to ice. Then there was movement. The shadows dissipate, accomplishing their task.

First, a twitch. Then, a shiver. Slowly, air begins to flow across the lungs. Oxygen. The river of life begins to flow. It's current, starting at a crawl, begins to pick up speed. The cells, in a frantic, begin their daunting task to revive and maintain. The temperature begins to rise. The body that was ice cold is now gaining color. A tremble here and a tremble there, it slowly gathers it's strength. A hand plants on the ground as it begins to pick itself up. A lifeless body no more. Now standing naked and gathering composure, it lifts it's arms. Staring at it's hands, full of cuts and bruises, similar to those found throughout the body, it stares and asks itself...

"Who am I?"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Let's Walk, With a Purpose

Hey there friends. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease and we need to do our part top help prevent it. An Alzheimer's Memory Walk is no more than 3 miles and those 3 miles can be the most purposeful miles that you'll ever walk. Many of us, once we reach the age of 65, will show one of more symptoms or Alzheimer's disease and as of right now, there is no cure. But, we can make a difference. By teaming up with the Alzheimer's Association, we can help raise funds to find a cure. You can either find a team to walk with, or you can create your own team. To create a team, you will need to sign up and invite at least 3 members. has useful information on how to start a team or join one. They also offer many guides for team leaders so that they can lead to the best of their abilities.

Alzheimer's is a horrible disease that many of us have experienced first hand and the it's something that we definitely want to prevent. The disease is a form of dementia that can affect everyone differently. Someone with Alzheimer's can show symptoms of short term memory loss, where in more severe cases, language is reduced to a word or two. No one wants to see their loves ones regress in health. Our golden years should be those of joy, spending time with our grandchildren. Those of us who are lucky enough, great-grandchildren. We don't want to spend our golden years regressing. In a society such as our own, where medical advances are happening on a constant basis, we should do our part to help those advances move on. So far, it's working. People are living longer, healthier lives compared to just 50 years ago. If we continue to do our part, we can extend our life expectancy some more.

There are many horrible diseases out there and we need to find a cure for. Alzheimer's is just one of them. But it is the one, that many of us will experience. Click on the button below, start a team, or join on, and let us walk together.

Sponsored by Alzheimer's Walk

Saturday Night Rock Out

Hey there friends. I was introduced to the game Rock Band this weekend. It's definitely a party game, especially after having a few drinks. lol It was pretty cool because it was basically everyone's first time playing it. Only my wife's cuz was experienced in the game (he's the one that brought it over). We hooked it up and after having a couple of brews we got to it. I started off on Guitar, I guess it's what I do best, my babe on the skins, her bro on the mic, and her cuz on bass. It was interesting to say the least. It took awhile for everyone to get the hang of it and after awhile, we were all into it, blaming each other for failed songs... Just like a real band. HA HA HA!!! After our initial singer left, I took over and that was pretty cool. I sing all the time. In the car, in the shower, in public (embarrassed my wife with that one a few times. lol) so it cool to actually be judged. I did alright, I guess. I didn't fail. lol I highly recommend getting it, but only if you always have people over. If you're going to play solo, I would recommend Guitar Hero since I think it's more of a solo game where as you won't get the full effect of Rock Band playing solo.

Once we started to get into the wee hours of the night, my babe's cuz (he's family so I'll start calling him my cuz) wanted me to try out some songs in solo mode that he couldn't handle. He was over at our place before and we were all buzzing playing Guitar Hero III. He claims I impressed him, since I was playing pretty well for being buzzed, and he wanted me to play this one song in Rock Band that he can't handle. I think it was called Green Grass and High Tides.

Stupid song... It's been in my head since. On my first try on Expert, I got through about 80% of the song. After many failed attempts, I was only able to get a best of 85%. I like those kinds of challenges. I challenged myself with Guitar Hero III and I was finally able to best the game on Expert after many, many frustrated nights (Damn you LOU!!!!). But now that I was exposed to a new challenge, I wanted/needed to beat it. We probably stayed up til like 1 am attempting that damn song to no avail. My cuz says that we'll get it next time. He's confident that I'll get it since it was my first time playing the game, I had difficulty identifying the hammer-on notes since I was used to the Guitar Hero hammer-ons. I'll get it.. I know I will.... eventually. Until then, check out some of the pics taht we took... and I'll just have the song playing in my head... over... and over... and over... Later!

Here is our initial line up

In true rock fashion, the singer gets the close up

My babe on the skins

Our little drummer girl didn't want to cough up the skins

Me attempting some song on GHII. Never played that game before

"Our" cuz asleep after having one too many beers

Green Grass and High Tides... Focus. Focus. Focus

A Little Humor to Start the Day

I received this Email this morning and I thought it was pretty funny. Check it out.

10 Truths

10 Truths Black and Hispanic people know, but White people won't admit

1. Elvis is dead.
2. Jesus was not white.
3. Rap music is here to stay.
4. Kissing your pet is not cute or clean.
5. Skinny does not equal sexy.
6. Thomas Jefferson had black children.
7. A 5 year old is too big for a stroller.
8. N'SYNC will never hold a candle to the Jackson 5.
9. An occasional BUTT whooping helps a child stay in line.
10. Having your children curse you out in public is not normal.

10 Truths White and Black People know, but Hispanic people won't admit

1. Hickeys are not attractive.
2. Chicken is food not a pet or a roommate.
3. Jesus is not a name for your son.
4. Your country flag is not a car decoration.
5. Maria is a name but not for every daughter.
6. 10 people to a car is considered too many.
7. 'Jump out and run' is not in any insurance policies.
8. Buttoning just the top button of your shirt is a bad fashion statement.
9. Mami & Papi cant possibly be the nickname of every person in your family.
10. Letting your children run wildly through the store is not normal.

10 Truths white and Hispanic people know, but Black people won't admit

1. O.J. did it.
2. Tupac is dead.
3. Teeth shouldn't be decorated.
4. Weddings should start on time.
5. Your pastor doesn't know everything.
6. Jesse Jackson will never be President.
7. Red is not a Kool Aid flavor, its a color.
8. Church does not require expensive clothes.
9. Crown Royal bags are meant to be thrown away.
10. Your rims and sound system should not be worth more than your car.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Special Delivery From Italy

Hey there friends. I few weeks ago, I was approached to provide an unbiased review of some pinhole eyeglasses. I gladly accepted it. I remember seeing advertisements for these glasses when I was a kid and a doc even recommended that I try em out to see if they'll improve my vision. Me being the stubborn guy that I am, never did... So I was excited and anxiously awaited the pinhole glasses so that I can try em out.

The packaged arrived and it was postmarked by Italy. Never received anything from there before so I thought that was kinda neat. As you can see from the picture, I tore that package up. lol I regret that I didn't have any self control since I tore the stamp right down the middle. Would of liked to keep it intact but too late for that now. As for my first impression of the glasses, they brought me back to my childhood. The frame is what I would call "old school" and they are made of plastic, very much like the glasses I used to wear in the 80's. The lens themselves seem to be made of plastic as well, but they seem to have some kind of coating on them. Maybe it's the "secret ingredient" to better my eyesight. =o)

We put them on, and it's true, you can see better with them on. It's a trip because you are looking through several holes and yet your eyesight does improve by wearing them. My wife tried them on while I was driving and she was having fun reading things off trucks and what not, things she would not be able to read without her glasses. I decided to wait until I got home to really put them to the test. I decided that I would wear them for at least half an hour while reading a book. For those of us that have tried to read a book with out our glasses, it sucks, and if I were to be able to read comfortably with the pinhole glasses then I would be amazed.

During my time wearing them and reading, I can honestly say that my eyes felt more relaxed. Maybe it is because I wear my glasses all the time. I'm practically blind as a bat and I need my glasses for everything so I just don't bother to take them off anymore. I can see how during the long run, this may help improve my sight. My eyes are being used without the help of a concave lens and I can actually see better. That's the key word. Better. When you put them on, you are not going to see 20/20 vision. They are not miracle workers. The website for the pinhole eyeglasses claim to help with your myopia and hyperopia and other common eye issues. I wouldn't know if that statement is true since I don't have those problems, at least I don't think I do.

All in all, not a bad product. Even though I do not notice any significant change in my eyesight, I can honestly say that my eyes feel more relaxed and have less strain on them. I think that's more than the worth of the price for a pair of these glasses. Whether or not they will improve my vision in the long run is yet to be determined. However, I'll continue to use them and if one day, I wake up with hawk eye vision, you'll be the first to know. Later.

P.S. Jenna, if by chance you read this, my wife loves you. lol