Hey there. Anything that could go wrong, will go wrong. I've heard it many times before and usually you don't get the worst of things. Well, yesterday, it finally happened.
Monday morning started out rough. We got up late and after rushing the kids to get ready, we were out the house approx. 10 mins late. I go to the van to turn it on and it won't start... Are you kidding me?!?! Our new van, which we have not had for a month is not starting. I tell the kids to go back in the house while I tinker with the battery. After about 5 mins, I figure that I can't deal with it now and load up the family in our car, the 5 passenger Mazda. It was a tight fit for our family of 6, but we all squeezed in OK.
Things start to look up when I get a call from my aunt saying my little cousin, who has been in the hospital for over a month, is being released. She is throwing her a welcome home party at her place and wants us to be there. "Great!", I think. Then, a few hours later... The hospital is not releasing her. Are you kidding me?!?!?! They kept her admitted while they deal with her insurance so the welcome home was canceled.
Then, we had our kids' assembly at their school. They were being honored for scoring advanced on the California state tests. I tried to leave a few mins early, but of course, my boss detained me for a bit while I "debriefed" him on the day's work. I left the office later than I wanted too and barely made it in time for our son's assembly (I missed our daughter's). After sitting through the whole assembly, our son's name wasn't called. Are you kidding me?!?!?! We sat through the assembly and they didn't call our son up to receive his award and medal. After a few moments of confusion, the school got it right and acknowledged my son, along with some of his classmates, and awarded them their medals and certificates, BUT.... they did not allow pictures due to them being rushed on stage and then out. A huge bummer.
On our way home, I called some people that were selling a wireless guitar and wireless drum set for Guitar Hero World Tour. My brother broke my Rockband drum set and I need a replacement. This couple is selling their set for $45, which is a steal, so I called them up to let them know we're on our way to pick em up. We meet up with them and they still have the drums and guitar in the original box. Everything looks good. I go home and the Xbox 360 craps out on me... Oh man... 3 red rings of death. So I take the time to fix it and after some time, I finally get it working. I set up Guitar Hero Metallica and I start the game. I check the drums and everything seems OK... until I try the orange cymbal and it's not registering. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! I could not believe the day I was having... After check it out, it looks like the wire connecting the cymbal has been severed. Needless to say, I was upset... I sent a message to the couple to tell them it's busted and they offered a refund. I told them that I'll try to fix it, but if I'm not successful, I'll let them know and they agreed to give me a refund it doesn't work out for me.
I then fed our son, at close to midnight and after lying him down for bed, I realize that the van is not starting and I need to take care of that. I go and grab my light and head outside with my tools. I remove the battery from our car and van and place the car battery in the van. As soon as I hook it up, the back light in the van turns on. Oh man... The kids must have switched on the light and didn't turn off, causing the battery to drain. I turn it off, throw the battery in the van (to be charged later today) and go back inside for some sleep. Time? 2:00AM
Man... It was just one of those days... Later.
Showing posts with label Guitar Hero Metallica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guitar Hero Metallica. Show all posts
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
My first Guitar Hero Tournament
Hey there. So I participated in a Guitar Hero Competition last night. Needless to say, I was fired up and ready to go. The competition consisted of 4 songs from the Guitar Hero Metallica game. You get to chose the difficulty but the committee get to chose the songs. The songs consisted of No Leaf Clover (Metallica), Dyers Eve (Metallica), Armed and Ready (Michael Schenker) and Black River (The Sword). None too shabby list. Seeing that, I instantly knew that Dyers Eve was going to give me trouble. The song is just too damn hard. I got home, did a few practice songs, and then went right into it. I finished all 4 songs and then checked online to see my ranking. I was in 6th place at the time. Not bad, I did the songs some more to better my score and got as high as 5th place. I took a break from the guitar competition and did the competition on drums. I only did each song once and called it a night for drums. To my amazement, I was leading the pack. Seeing that I was in first place, I didn't bother to better my scores.
I checked out the competition rankings this morning (the competition runs for a full 24 Hrs and it started yesterday at 5PM Pacific time) and I am disappointed to say that I fell out of the top 10 on guitar and slipped to number 2 on drums. Check it out.

Not too bad for my first tournament. The guitar players in these competitions are simply bad ass and I cannot compete with them. The dude in first place damn near scored a perfect on Dyers Eve and I struggle to get 4 stars on it. Looks like this grasshopper has a lot more practicing to do if I plan on cracking the top 10. I'm a little surprised that I'm holding my own in the drum competition but I know that most of the competitors have not logged in their scores yet. I was initially shooting to finish in the top 10 in each of the competitions. Looks like I'll fail in one of them.
The next competition will be held this weekend. It will consist of 4 songs from Guitar Hero World Tour. I'm not very good at that game since I'm just not familiar with the songs. I went ahead and entered that competition. I'll be competing in the Expert Guitar and Expert Bass competitions. I'm not sure what the song selection is but eh, decided to give it a go anyways. Wish me luck! Later.
I checked out the competition rankings this morning (the competition runs for a full 24 Hrs and it started yesterday at 5PM Pacific time) and I am disappointed to say that I fell out of the top 10 on guitar and slipped to number 2 on drums. Check it out.

The next competition will be held this weekend. It will consist of 4 songs from Guitar Hero World Tour. I'm not very good at that game since I'm just not familiar with the songs. I went ahead and entered that competition. I'll be competing in the Expert Guitar and Expert Bass competitions. I'm not sure what the song selection is but eh, decided to give it a go anyways. Wish me luck! Later.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Mandatory Metallica
Hey there. My name is Metallman and I'm an addict. ADDICTED TO METALLICA!
I'm in full blown Metallica status. Ever since I've found out about the Mandatory Metallica channel on XM Radio, I haven't stopped listening to them. They're EVERYWHERE! They're in my head, I'm constantly singing songs in my head (Mainly, No Leaf Clover... Go figure). They're in my XBOX 360, GH: Metallica is starting to get a grip on me. They're in my TV, Fuse is constantly playing Metallica stuff due to their induction to the Hall of Fame (I hate you, Susan!!!). They're in my radio, Death Magnetic hasn't come out of the CD player since I've had it. They're in my veins, I've pulled out Skully on a couple of nights and played whatever came out of XM (covers ain't all that bad, my friend). I think I finally made my wife snap with this over indulgence of all things Metallica. lol
While riding in the car, listening to Metallica, in a soft voice, she says, "Babe, I'm all Metallica'd out." I didn't think it was possible. lol But alas, it happened to my wife. I switched it over to KROQ and listened to what was playing there, but it got me wondering if my overindulgence will one day cause me to not want to hear them anymore. I doubt it, but nevertheless, it made me wonder.
Later in the evening, after some much needed "mommy and daddy" time, Metallica was back on the TV. First, on XM, then on my XBOX. I think the kids have Metallica on the brain too. My boy plays One on his PSP constantly, our daughter can't get enough of all the Metallica specials on Fuse, and last night the kids were playing Master of Puppets on the XBOX. Looks like we have a pair of up coming metal heads. lol
My name is Metallman and I'm an addict. Later!
I'm in full blown Metallica status. Ever since I've found out about the Mandatory Metallica channel on XM Radio, I haven't stopped listening to them. They're EVERYWHERE! They're in my head, I'm constantly singing songs in my head (Mainly, No Leaf Clover... Go figure). They're in my XBOX 360, GH: Metallica is starting to get a grip on me. They're in my TV, Fuse is constantly playing Metallica stuff due to their induction to the Hall of Fame (I hate you, Susan!!!). They're in my radio, Death Magnetic hasn't come out of the CD player since I've had it. They're in my veins, I've pulled out Skully on a couple of nights and played whatever came out of XM (covers ain't all that bad, my friend). I think I finally made my wife snap with this over indulgence of all things Metallica. lol
While riding in the car, listening to Metallica, in a soft voice, she says, "Babe, I'm all Metallica'd out." I didn't think it was possible. lol But alas, it happened to my wife. I switched it over to KROQ and listened to what was playing there, but it got me wondering if my overindulgence will one day cause me to not want to hear them anymore. I doubt it, but nevertheless, it made me wonder.
Later in the evening, after some much needed "mommy and daddy" time, Metallica was back on the TV. First, on XM, then on my XBOX. I think the kids have Metallica on the brain too. My boy plays One on his PSP constantly, our daughter can't get enough of all the Metallica specials on Fuse, and last night the kids were playing Master of Puppets on the XBOX. Looks like we have a pair of up coming metal heads. lol
My name is Metallman and I'm an addict. Later!
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Metallica Gods and a Split Lip
Hey there. Yesterday marked the release of the Guitar Hero: Metallica game. Our Sunday was pretty much planned out. My compa was to come over and we were to handle the game as a band to see just how bad ass it was. Well, things don't always go as planned.
First off, the guys at Game Stop lied to me. They told me the store would be open at 9 am so I should be able to get it then. So I figured, we can get the game early so that my son and I can get a head start on it. Well, turns out that the store was not to open until 11 am... We weren't going to sit around doing nothing so we drove back home. On the way there, my wife calls me, telling me that there has been an accident and that we need to go to the hospital. I need to hurry home. Once I get there, I see the severity of the accident. Her lip was busted open. Our daughter had a huge hole in her face. My wife did an awesome job on applying pressure and stop it from bleeding. Considering that our daughter had a hole in her face, there was very little blood, if at all, from her wound. When I asked our daughter to show me the cut, I could literally see inside her lip without anything obstructing the view. Pretty graphic stuff. Well, from what my wife was able to tell me, our daughter was playing with Lucy, our dog, and Lucy was not much in the mood to play. She did tell us that she growled at her, but she continued to play with Lucy. At that point, she picked Lucy up. Here is where the details get sketchy... We do not know if Lucy tried to wiggle herself free and snapped at our daughter to let her go. Our daughter just says that she was holding Lucy and then she bit her.
Now, before you start thinking that Lucy is a vicious dog and a menace to society, keep in mind that Lucy is a baby (a few months old) and is a chihuahua terrier. In other words, she is a small dog that doesn't know any better. We play with her all the time and I've warned the kids on many occasions that when a dog growls, you need to back off and leave them alone. Our daughter knew that she was mainly at fault. When the doctor or family members asked her what happened, she told the truth and said that after the dog growled at her, she tried to force the dog to play with her.
Anyways, after I get home, my wife fills me in on what happened and off we went to the hospital (after a quick online search of where we can take her). Our hospital stay wasn't too long, considering how long other people that I know have stayed. We checked in and approx. 30 mins later, we're checked into the "ER fast track" portion of the hospital. My mother in law showed up at that time and took our youngest daughter and son to her place so that they wouldn't have to be at the hospital. We're soon called in and shortly after, my mother, grandma, and aunt show up. At this point, I'm still pacing outside room where my daughter and wife (our daughter had her choice of which parent she wanted to go in with her) where being attended. I'd peek in every now and then, hoping I wouldn't get in trouble, so see how she was doing. Shortly there after, there were screams of pain. At first I didn't think it was my daughter. Well, maybe I was telling myself it wasn't her but when I saw the doc leave the door open, I went inside the room and see my young one in tears and a stitched up lip. We consoled her and after we get the clearance and instructions from the doc, we take off to have breakfast (at approx. 2 PM) with our family members.

Our daughter really can't open her mouth all that wide so that makes it pretty difficult to eat. She was in better spirits after she took a nap on the way home. Our mother in law suggested that we leave the kids with her so that our daughter can rest up and after a short discussion, we agreed. I also had to cancel our plans with my compa (our daughter's nino) so that she can rest. Well, rest she didn't do much of. She was pretty excited about the Metallica game. I figured that maybe she was just a little shy about the stitches.
She did, however, wanted to play GH: Metallica. She strapped in the guitar and started rocking away. I watched her play For Whom the Bell Tolls and the Unforgiven (the first two songs) and then she decided that she wants to get through Rock Band first before tackling GH: Metallica. She acknowledged that Rock Band is easier so she needs to get better if she plans on getting through GH: Metallica. She switched back and forth between the two games and then said she didn't want to play anymore. I asked her if she was bored and she admitted she was. I guess she's just not used to being alone. Even our cat missed the kids. Jack kept scratching at our son's door and continually jumped on the window sill looking for him. It was a little weird to not have the kids around. So I told her that if she's bored, I'd play GH: Metallica with her and she lit up and said, yeah.
So after about 40 mins of so playing together, we had our dinner and she was off to bed. We checked up on her from time to time to make sure that she did not have a fever. Thank god, she never developed one and the pain has subdued some. We gave her the option of staying home from school, since the doc gave her strict orders of no PE, but she decided to attend. When I dropped off the kids, she ran into some friends and instead of saying, "Hi" or "Good morning", it was "I got stitches!" lol She's definitely a trooper.
So our wife and I are at work, a little concerned about the fact that she's in school right after the stitching. You know kids in school... the run, the fall, they get hurt... we're hoping that she can manage to not bump her lip for a whole week. Thankfully, spring break is next week so she won't have to go to school then. She has a follow up visit tomorrow and the stitches will not be removed for another 2 weeks. We'll let you know how things turn out. Later!
First off, the guys at Game Stop lied to me. They told me the store would be open at 9 am so I should be able to get it then. So I figured, we can get the game early so that my son and I can get a head start on it. Well, turns out that the store was not to open until 11 am... We weren't going to sit around doing nothing so we drove back home. On the way there, my wife calls me, telling me that there has been an accident and that we need to go to the hospital. I need to hurry home. Once I get there, I see the severity of the accident. Her lip was busted open. Our daughter had a huge hole in her face. My wife did an awesome job on applying pressure and stop it from bleeding. Considering that our daughter had a hole in her face, there was very little blood, if at all, from her wound. When I asked our daughter to show me the cut, I could literally see inside her lip without anything obstructing the view. Pretty graphic stuff. Well, from what my wife was able to tell me, our daughter was playing with Lucy, our dog, and Lucy was not much in the mood to play. She did tell us that she growled at her, but she continued to play with Lucy. At that point, she picked Lucy up. Here is where the details get sketchy... We do not know if Lucy tried to wiggle herself free and snapped at our daughter to let her go. Our daughter just says that she was holding Lucy and then she bit her.
Now, before you start thinking that Lucy is a vicious dog and a menace to society, keep in mind that Lucy is a baby (a few months old) and is a chihuahua terrier. In other words, she is a small dog that doesn't know any better. We play with her all the time and I've warned the kids on many occasions that when a dog growls, you need to back off and leave them alone. Our daughter knew that she was mainly at fault. When the doctor or family members asked her what happened, she told the truth and said that after the dog growled at her, she tried to force the dog to play with her.
Anyways, after I get home, my wife fills me in on what happened and off we went to the hospital (after a quick online search of where we can take her). Our hospital stay wasn't too long, considering how long other people that I know have stayed. We checked in and approx. 30 mins later, we're checked into the "ER fast track" portion of the hospital. My mother in law showed up at that time and took our youngest daughter and son to her place so that they wouldn't have to be at the hospital. We're soon called in and shortly after, my mother, grandma, and aunt show up. At this point, I'm still pacing outside room where my daughter and wife (our daughter had her choice of which parent she wanted to go in with her) where being attended. I'd peek in every now and then, hoping I wouldn't get in trouble, so see how she was doing. Shortly there after, there were screams of pain. At first I didn't think it was my daughter. Well, maybe I was telling myself it wasn't her but when I saw the doc leave the door open, I went inside the room and see my young one in tears and a stitched up lip. We consoled her and after we get the clearance and instructions from the doc, we take off to have breakfast (at approx. 2 PM) with our family members.

Our daughter really can't open her mouth all that wide so that makes it pretty difficult to eat. She was in better spirits after she took a nap on the way home. Our mother in law suggested that we leave the kids with her so that our daughter can rest up and after a short discussion, we agreed. I also had to cancel our plans with my compa (our daughter's nino) so that she can rest. Well, rest she didn't do much of. She was pretty excited about the Metallica game. I figured that maybe she was just a little shy about the stitches.

So after about 40 mins of so playing together, we had our dinner and she was off to bed. We checked up on her from time to time to make sure that she did not have a fever. Thank god, she never developed one and the pain has subdued some. We gave her the option of staying home from school, since the doc gave her strict orders of no PE, but she decided to attend. When I dropped off the kids, she ran into some friends and instead of saying, "Hi" or "Good morning", it was "I got stitches!" lol She's definitely a trooper.
So our wife and I are at work, a little concerned about the fact that she's in school right after the stitching. You know kids in school... the run, the fall, they get hurt... we're hoping that she can manage to not bump her lip for a whole week. Thankfully, spring break is next week so she won't have to go to school then. She has a follow up visit tomorrow and the stitches will not be removed for another 2 weeks. We'll let you know how things turn out. Later!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Guitar Hero: Metallica!!!

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