Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our Oldest Daughter is Not Doing Homework

Hey there. Our oldest daughter is giving us issues and it's frustrating the hell out of me. Her teacher requires that my daughter returns a reading journal with our initials and a homework log signed by a parent. We have yet to see a reading log. Her excuse for that was that her teacher had not assigned any yet and the homework log disappeared after she took a week off while she was sick. Her excuse for that was that her teacher didn't assign homework for a week (which was hard to swallow but we believed her) and then she merely "forgot" the book in school for the following week. Now, my wife receives a call from her teacher stating that no homework has been turned in the past few weeks and the reading log has not been completed since who knows when. Needless to say, we are extremely upset and disappointed. ESPECIALLY, since just 2 days ago, she was awarded medals and a certificate for outstanding academic achievements. It sucks as a parent to come crashing down after such a high.

Now, we are upset and my daughter is at home. I haven't had a chance to discuss with my wife, since I'm at work. She conveyed this conversation to me via text messages. This isn't the first time that we've had issues with homework. We just don't know what kind of punishment would fit the crime. We've taken away TV and games, we've taken away her play privileges, and we've even sat her down at the kitchen table for a full week. Yet, we continue to have this issue with her and homework. Any suggestions to alternate forms of discipline? And the fact that she does well in school is what is frustrating the hell out of us. She gets the student of the month, author of the month, great leader, and other types of accolades from school, but what is it about homework that is just not registering with this one young. We'll figure it out... Until then, later.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm. maybe she's a gifted student? and the homework is not challenging enough? some students from articles and stuff we have read get bored with what they see as easy work and just wont do it.


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