Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What I'm Playing... Mutant Mudds

Hey there.  You know, I love playing on the Nintendo 3DS.  It's an extremely convenient way to get my gaming on when I'm on the go or when I don't have too much time on my hands.  But you know what the absolute best part about it?  Some of the games made for the 3DS are short, challenging, and fun.  And that is where Mutant Mudds falls in.  Our good friends at Nintendo were kind enough to provide a copy of the game to me to check out.  Like with Mighty Switch Force, Mutant Mudds is simple to pick up and play but offers a unique challenge as well as a moderately high replay value.  So let's get to it!  Let's take a look at the game, Mutant Mudds.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Metallman Update: Events, Games, GenCon, and More

Hey there.  It's been awhile since I last had a post.  I'm sorry, guys.  I haven't really been feeling well and I couldn't muster the energy to sit and write.  No worries though! I'm back and at full strength and wanted to give you guys a heads up on what's to come.  A few game reviews are coming, in written and podcast form, a few events that I'll be covering, and I received a press pass for a gaming convention!  How awesome is that?!  Ok... so let's get into the details.  Something tells me this is going to be a lengthy post!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Catch The Bible Miniseries on The History Channel

Hey there.  Did you guys catch the series premier of The Bible on The History Channel?  No?  You guys missed out!  Before I get into The Bible miniseries, I want to let you guys know how much I love The History Channel.  The deal with history is that it's already done.  You can't change it, you can only tell the story.  The History Channel has not only found a way to tell those stories in innovative, thought provoking, or simply in an entertaining fashion, but they have been able to take well known events and create shows that are simply awesome.  That's where The Bible miniseries falls in.  The History Channel debuted the 10 part miniseries on March 3, 2013 at 8PM and each part will retell one of the many stories that are in the bible.

Join us for a #MLB13TheShow Twitter Party

If you're a baseball fan, you'll want to attend this party!
Hey there.  Guess who's cohosting a Twitter Party?!  That's right!  This guy!  And you know what... you guys are all invited!  On Tuesday, March 5th, 2013, get on Twitter between 3-4PM Eastern Time and join us on a #MLB13TheShow Twitter Party!  For those of you that are not familiar with a Twitter Party, it's basically a conversation about a particular topic that last about an hour.  The hastag that you can use to follow the conversation is #MLB13TheShow.  The topic that we'll be discussing with be baseball and other outdoor activities that you can do now that Spring is just around the corner.  During the show, 6 random participants will win the MLB 13 The Show video game AND a PS3!!!  How awesome is that!  All for using Twitter and participating!  But that's not all...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Get a Life Ep. 10 - The One About the PS4

Hey there.  I know... I know... we took almost 2 weeks to record a new episode but don't worry guys, we're back!  So, are you ready for another episode of the Get a Life Podcast?  Awesome!  In this episode we discuss Sony's announcement of the PS4 and what we know of the PS4.  I'm sure that the gaming community is well aware of the PS4 announcement that took place on Feb. 20th. 2013, but we'll give our two cents into what features are promising and which are a bit curious.  If you would like to check out some more details on the PS4 from Sony themselves, check out the PS4 webpage.

Now, the Get a Life Podcast Ep 10 (wow... 10 already?!?!) - The One About the PS4!!!!  Enjoy!

Monday, February 25, 2013

What I'm Playing... Mighty Switch Force

Hey there.  So what has Metallman's thumbs and fingers busy these past few weeks?  Mighty Switch Force by WayForward Technologies for the Nintendo 3DS!  Our good friends at Nintendo provided me with a copy of this great action/puzzle game I haven't been able to put it down.  From what I have been told, there are other Switch Force games out there but this is my first time playing any game in the series and I would like to think that it's one of the best.  So let's take a look at the game, Mighty Switch Force.