Monday, February 22, 2010

I Have an Issue with Spam Comments

Hey there.  One goal of writers everywhere is get feedback on their work.  Whether it be constructive criticism or a pat on the back.  As a blogger, I love to see comments.  It tells me that someone out there actually took the time to read the stuff I put up and was more than willing to throw their two cents in.  My problem?  Spam comments...  I HATE receiving Emails letting me know that I have received a comment but when I read it, it's completely unrelated to the post.  Case and point...  I started Funny Fridays here this past Friday.  I posted a video that I thought was pretty hilarious of people being punched (SNL skit).  Here's the gem of a comment that I received on that post:

"I was in college this was asked of my class, I said I would be "Legolas" from Lord of the Rings, another girl answered that she would be "Aweryn" from Lord of the Rings."

WTF?!?!?!  Someone please explain to me what people getting punched has to do with Lord of the Rings?  And that's not the only comment I received... If you browse through the comments of posts, you'll see some pretty long comments on unrelated crap.

The bad part is that Firefox will not allow me to delete the comments (for unknown reasons), but Internet Explorer will.  I refuse to use Internet Explorer...  I just can't go back to that atrocity of a web browser...  So my question to you, friends, is how can I eliminate, or at least minimize my spam comments?  Is there a widget?  Some kind of script that I should add?  Do I need to alter my blog template? I would rather get feedback from fellow bloggers to get a better understanding of how you guys get rid of or eliminate spam comments.  Suggestions?  Thanks.  Later!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Motivational Sunday - Caps Lock

Hey there.  If you're reading this, them I'm certain you are familiar with the online etiquette of using caps when typing.  If you see caps, then you assume the person is yelling.  As in, DON'T LOOK, or YOU MUST READ THIS but lets face it, sometimes people use them at the most inappropriate places or worse yet, disregard the rule all together.  Well, for those of you that disregard the rule, here's a visual so you can better understand.  You're welcome.  lol  Later.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Introducing Funny Fridays!

Hey there friends.  I've been meaning to do this for quite some time since I've seen many of my blogging friends do it.  I am dedicating Friday to the funny stuff.  That's right, this is the first Funny Friday post!  I've seen many other sites dedicate days to certain activities, such as Music Mondays and Follow Fridays and what not.   I don't think I've seen one with Funny Fridays so I'm starting that here.  I'm leaning towards posting jokes, pictures, Emails, videos, and anything else that is quite simply hilarious.  So, for the first ever Funny Friday at Metallman's Reverie, hope you guys enjoy... People Getting Punched! lol Later.

Tiger, Is That the Best You Can Do?

Hey there.  So today is the infamous "Apology Friday", known so because today is the day that Tiger Woods publicly apologized for his infidelity.  My first problem with this is why did it have to take 3 months to issue an apology?  If you screwed up, then fess up to it, admit your faults and do what you can to rectify the issue.  You speak from the heart and wear your emotions your sleeve.  This "apology" that Tiger spewed out this morning was nothing of that sort.

My first impression was that this "apology" was a definitely scripted and nothing more than a well rehearsed speech.  If you are there to apologize, you don't walk out with a stack full of papers in your hand.  Maybe an index card or two to remind you of names, time, dates or whatever, but this 15 min speech was all written on paper and Tiger didn't so much speak as he did read.  And slowly too.....  He spoke in a monotone voice, displaying very little emotions, and to be honest, could be compared to a robot.  Who wants to believe a robot that is apologizing?  You're more inclined to believe that the words were programmed to be spoken and I definitely got that vibe from Tiger.  He played the part of the robot, while his PR crew played the part of the programmer.

I'm very disappointed by this so called apology.  The man changed the game of golf, he brought it mainstream, there are video games with him on them and even some kids have started watching the game because of Tiger.  I believe that his family, his friends, his fans, and even to an extent, his mistresses, deserved a more heart felt apology than the craptastic speech that was on display this morning.  His family, for the hell that he's putting his wife and kids through.  His friends for his display of recklessness and lack of self control.  His fans for the damage that he has made to the millions of fans that admired and adored him.  His mistresses... even though they new what they were doing is wrong, I'm certain that Tiger may have strung a few along promising the world.

I'm disappointed in you, Tiger.  As I watched you speak, I was waiting for the moment where you would not look down and read your papers.  I looked for the moment where what you spoke of was genuine and true.  I looked for that emotion that would tell me that you are truly, deeply sorry.  That moment never came.  Even when you got up to hug your mother, I felt it was an awkward moment.  It didn't feel real.  I'm sorry Tiger, but I just don't believe that this "apology" of yours.  And to be honest, if you can't look at me, the fan, in the eye and speak the from the heart, how I can follow and support you?  How can I look at you and believe what is coming out of your mouth?  I just don't think I can.  Later.

For those of you that didn't get a chance to see it, you can view it here.  Courtesy of

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Fire is Gone

Hey there.  Not that long ago, I had a performance review at work.  Most people look forward to them since they get to see where they stand in their boss' eye.  Many of us got excited last month when after over a year, the paycut that was thrust upon us has been returned to us.  Following the increase, reviews were given out.  I'm pretty sure that no raises will be given since we just got the percentage back from over a year ago.

Anyways, I was fairly pleased with my review.  I seemed to have marked higher than the majority of my peers and performance wise, it was excellent, but the thorn on my saddle has to be the comment that my boss said to me.  He stated that when I first started, I got on things quickly and got them done quickly too, now, "the fire is gone".  Now, I don't see this a knock on my performance, I see this more as a wear and tear type comment.  I understand that when someone starts off a new anything, you're enthusiastic, you're energetic, you want to make a good impression, but after so many years on the job, it's tough to maintain that high level.  No wonder some people refer to working as going through their daily grind.

Now, I'm not saying that it's not possible to keep that level.  There are people out there that simply love what they're doing and can maintain that level throughout their careers.  Just take the great late Steve Irwin.  The man genuinely seemed happy each and every time he was out and about with the wild life of Earth.  The majority of us, however, are not as fortunate to land a gig where that fire burns and stays strong throughout our careers, the way Steve's did.

So what's my problem?  I don't want to be complacent.  I don't want my job to be a daily chore.  I don't want, several years down, to look back and say, damn... I'v been doing the same damn thing for X number of years.  How do I avoid that?  How do I get that fire burning bright again?  I'm happy with my job.  I'm a geek when it comes to numbers and that's all I stare at all day here.  I don't mind, I enjoy it.  Balance sheets, income statements, profit & losses, 10Ks, 10Qs, the occasional conference call, credit conferences...  This is my work life and I'm cool with it.  What I'm not cool with is that this fire is missing...  I need to get this fire burning brighter friends.  Until then, later.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kim Kardashian's Quick Trim

Hey there.  A few weeks ago, my wife and I renewed our gym membership in an effort to better our health and our bodies.  For being a relatively small guy, I'm pretty out of shape.  My cardio has suffered and my endurance is at gutter levels.  I just haven't had the energy or the stamina to do much of the work that is required of me.  I'm hoping that stepping back into the gym will help out with that.  I already started feeling the affects of after my second week of working out.  I've found that I can breathe a little better.  The deal with my nose is that one nostril is ALWAYS clogged.  No friends, I'm not the boogerman or anything of that sort.  I strongly believe that I must have messed up my nose as a child during our marathon battles of wrestling and rough housing.  I'm about 95% sure that my nose is either broken, or there's scar tissue blocking a nasal passage.  Anyways, I've found that I can breath better during my work outs.  I don't know what to attribute it to but since I recently started working out, I'm going with that as the reason.

My wife has been getting up at 4:30 ish in the morning to get herself to the gym at 5 am.  She's been on a mission to lose the baby weight that is still lingering around.  Even though she has lost some of the weight, she's not where she wants to be and has pitched the idea that she needs Quick Trim.  I, being the ignorant guy that I am, had no idea what it was and she explained to me that it's the weight loss product that Kim Kardashian uses.  I adamantly refused.  I'm not a big fan of weight loss pills, shakes, diets, or anything else that will "burn calories a million times faster" or whatever.  I simply believe that a good diet and some exercise should be more than enough.
Now...  I kinda felt bad that I straight out shot my wife down without really hearing her out so I decided to look into this Quick Trim stuff.  It's typical of many other weight loss piss...  Some positive, some negative, nothing really definite.  I did find out, however, that Kim herself uses this product.  I've heard of celebrities endorsing products but I am not sure if I've seen any that actually use them.  In the end, I decided that I'll get the stuff for her if it'll help motivate her.  When my wife doesn't see results, she tends to lose some focus and doubts her efforts.  I don't want to see my wife give up, especially since she's doing pretty damn good at keeping up her diet and keeping her gym schedule.  Coupled with the fact that we have a young one at home, family life could very easily damper her spirits and if this would provide a lift, why not. 

If any of you guys have any personal experience with this stuff, please feel free to share.  I'd be interested in how it's worked for you.  Until then, later.