Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today has Been One of Those Days at Work

Hey there.  Have you ever had one of those days where you feel as if the people you are working with are incompetent?  I don't want to bash anyone in particular, but it's frustrating when we're all part of a team and someone just doesn't give a crap and screws everything up.  I mean... we do work for the same company, right?!  I understand the segregation of duties, I understand that you should do your job, but if you know that you're doing something wrong, how about you speak up instead of saying, "I'm just doing my job". 

I've had to make several calls to the controller of a certain account several times today.  Each one outlining mistakes that were done by our people because they were being extremely careless.  And the frustrating part of it all is that we'll all experienced in the field.  This is not our first day on the job.  There are other accounts that are in a similar situation as this one and yet we can manage to screw this one up but not the other?  You knucklehead...  Can you learn by example?!  You're already doing it correctly with the other account... can't you apply the same techniques to this one?!?!?!  


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Women and Their Love for Bags

Hey there.  Is it me or do women in general own too many bags?  When I first met my wife, I was astounded by the collection of hand bags that she owned.  Small bags, big bags, colorful bags, monotone bags, expensive bags and not so expensive bags.  She seemed to have one in every color and one for each occasion.  The top half of her closet was dedicated to bags alone. 

Now, I never really understood why she needed so many.  Me, being a man, I simply may not have the brain power to fully grasp the concept.  I always viewed bags a the female equivalent of a wallet.  In my mind, since women tend to wear fitted clothing, pockets are kinda meaningless in pants and a bag is necessary to carry stuff.  I don't change my wallet unless it's falling apart...  The bag, however, will alternate with several other bags and they eventually stay in pretty good condition.

"Why are you telling me this, Metallman?  I don't care about whether or not your wife has 2 bags or a million bags."

Well, my friends, you're about to care.  A few days ago, my wife got the urge to clean out the closet.  Must be the Spring Cleaning bug, I don't know, but she pulled out several handbags that she wants to get rid of.  The bags are of the BCBG variety and are in great shape.  Now, let me tell you, my wife takes really good care of her stuff.  Some of the bags still have the tag in them and others, she never really used.  After a brief discussion with the wife, I decided that instead of donating the bags the local Salvation Army, I've decided that I'm going to give them away to my readers, one at a time.

I'm still debating on how I'm going to do it.  Will it be a contest type thing where an entry is earned for every comment, post, or tweet?  Or should it be a comment only sweepstakes where the gods determine the winner?  I'm still thinking about how to go about it and I welcome suggestions.  Keep on the look out the first one up for grabs some time next week.  Until then, later!

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Neighbors and Religion

Hey there.  About a week or so ago, we got to meet our new neighbors.  The family that lived there before moved out and it turns out that they are renting out their home.  It turns out the the neighbors are good people.  They seem friendly and they have kids that seem to get along great with our kids.  They call each other over, which seems like every day, and they hang out and have a good time.  Which is great, because the kids didn't really play as much with the previous neighbor kids even though we would push them to go play so it's a good thing that they hit it off right away with the new neighbor kids.  On Saturday, though, they came home from being next door and asked if they could go to church with the neighbors on Sunday morning...

Now...  we're not really church going individuals.  I strongly believe that people can worship however they see fit and if going to a church every Sunday is their thing, then go on, my friend.  But us, we're not those kind of individuals.  My wife and I are also not one to block our kids from what we don't do so they expressed interest in going to church.  Which is fine... but considering that the neighbors have only been there about a week or so seems too recent to allow them to take off with our kids.  I don't know... I don't feel comfortable with that idea.  Knowing that our kids are not exactly early birds... we told them that if they got up, got dressed, and cleaned their rooms by 8:30 the next morning, they can go.  Of course, they slept right through the morning and got up closer to 10 am without a mention of church.

The question I pose to you, dear readers, is how do you feel with the notion of allowing your young ones to accompany a neighbor to their family outing?  Something doesn't feel right about allowing your kids to go with a neighbor... I mean, unless, they are extremely close with the family and are like best friends for life.  Since we've only known the family for a little over a week, are they out of place by asking the kids if they want to join them?  I don't know.  The whole thing seems a little odd and uncomfortable so I'm wondering how others have dealt with similar situations.  Until then... Later.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Motivational Sunday - Lazines

sHey there.  Today was just one of those days.  We relaxed at home and tried to do as little as possible.  Quite frankly, it was one of those "we aren't going to do crap" day.  You need one of those every now and then to stay sane.  Especially when we have 3 school kids, a baby, 2 jobs, and a whole slew of chores that need to be done.  My wife and I are constantly on our toes so for us, it's a day where we can be lazy.  But for others... it's a way of life.  lol  Later!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Theme Party

Hey there.  Tonight we're off to my comadre's birthday party.  We're some fun loving people and we like to do things a little different.  Considering that Alice in Wonderland was remade and she's a huge Johnny Depp fan, she decided that she's throwing herself an Alice in Wonderland theme party.  Who's being who was decided long ago and it turns out that I was meant to be one of the guards.  The card guard, I suppose.  lol  So today, I started on my get up.

I saw that we had this cardboard thing that came as cover to our young one's floor mat thing.  It looked like something that I could use, so I cut a hole in it for my head and decided to use it as some sort of armor.  I drew a spade on it and pasted all sorts of playing cards on it and I must say, it doesn't look too bad for something I mad on a whim.  Check it out.
Then, I realized...  These guards have spears!  Well, at least the OG ones from the original Alice in Wonderland did.  I haven't seen the remake so I don't know how the guards come out in the film.  I don't have a spear...  BUT I DO HAVE A SWORD!  So I texted my comadre to make sure was cool with me taking a sword to a party.  I wouldn't hurt any one with it, but it is considered a weapon and well, you know, I wanted to make sure she would be comfortable with me taking it.  After she said that would be awesome, I took a pic.  Lo and behold... 
Don't I look heroic?  Not too bad, right?  lol  My wife plans on going a flower.  She's gonna put in a few flowers in her hair and wear an Alice shirt that she has.  It would have been cool if she would have gotten the Queen part.  Then I'd be guarding the Queen all night long, but you know what.... there's nothing wrong with standing guard over my precious flower.  I'll try to take some pics tonight and post a few.  Until then... Later!

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Auditor From Hell

At the end of the tax year, the IRS office sent an inspector to audit the books of a local hospital. While the IRS agent was checking the books he turned to the CFO of the hospital and said, "I notice you buy a lot of bandages. What do you do with the end of the roll when there's too little left to be of any use?"

"Good question," noted the CFO. "We save them up and send them back to the bandage company and every now and then they send us a free box of bandages."

"Oh," replied the auditor, somewhat disappointed that his unusual question had a practical answer. But on he went, in his obnoxious way.
"What about all these plaster purchases? What do you do with what's left over after setting a cast on a patient?"

"Ah, yes," replied the CFO, realizing that the inspector was trying to trap him with an unanswerable question . "We save it and send it back to the manufacturer, and every now and then they send us a free package of plaster."

"I see," replied the auditor, thinking hard about how he could fluster the know-it-all CFO. "Well," he went on, "What do you do with all the leftover foreskins from the circumcisions you perform?"

"Here, too, we do not waste," answered the CFO. "What we do is save all the little foreskins and send them to the IRS Office, and about once a year they send us a complete d*ck."