Hey there. Have you ever had your credit card information stolen? I did. This was a few years ago when some criminal inserted some kind of card reader into the credit card slot at a gas station and managed to steal my information. Luckily for me, I was alerted right away by my bank of an unusual purchase attempt. They noted that I never shopped at said store and found it weird. I told them that it wasn't me and my card was missing. It was taken care of immediately and I received a new card. Even though it was caught quickly, I still had to get a new card number, update all of my card information on forms, and make sure that all of my bills that stored my card number was updated. It can be a pain to have to deal with. This was the old school way of getting your credit card information stolen. Now, some cards have what is called a RFID chip in it. The RFID allows you to pay for items my simply tapping your card on RFID compatible retail locations. Many fast food locations, supermarkets, and other high traffic areas have RFID compatible point of sale systems. In a wireless world, it's the next step in credit card technology... but it's also the next logical step for credit card thieves. Credit card thieves have resorted to RFID skimming. Basically, a credit card thief will have a small RFID scanner and attempt to read your credit card information wirelessly. Essentially, this is digital pick pocketing!!! This is dangerous. Especially since the thief doesn't need to physically touch you and only needs to be in close proximity. How many times are you not close to a stranger? Think about it. Standing in line at a store, cramped into a bus or subway, or just walking down a busy street. Someone with a RFID scanner can EASILY scan your card and you wouldn't even know it happened! Fear not, though, friends. You can safeguard yourself against this by using
RFID Blocking Sleeves. Our good friends at
BLOCKIT RFID Products sent me two RFID blocking sleeves to try out and review. Simply put, these things work! Let me tell you about my experience.