Wednesday, July 20, 2016

RAVPower Micro USB Cable (6 Pack) Review

RAVPower Micro USB Cable 6 Pack
Hey there.  We are connected world now.  Everything needs some sort of cable for power.  I have so many gadgets and gizmos that practically all of them need a USB to charge them up.  So it really irks me when I go to charge up and I find that the cable is torn up or not charging efficiently.  It really sucks.  It's easy to overlook the importance of a really good cable and it only comes into light when you're in need of a cable!  Awesomely, my great friends over at RAVPower have me covered!  They provided me with a 6 Pack of the RAVPower Micro USB Cables with iSmart Technology! I absolutely love this set of Micro USB cables from RAVPower. They charge devices quickly, they come in different lengths, and they are built to last!  So let's get to my experience.
And they come in this cool, nifty box!
First off, there are 5 Micro USB. A one footer, 3 three footers, and 2 six footers. I love that you get a good mix of cable length. Personally, I use the small cable as my travel cable. I have it in my laptop bag and is the perfect length to tuck it into pockets to for easy storage. Also, since it's my travel cable, it's super easy to pair it up with an external battery pack for a compact solution for power. The 3 foot cables are the norm now so if you already have a USB cable, more than likely, it's a three footer. Then you have the 6 foot long cables. I love these... The length makes them a perfect pair with the AC wall chargers. I have 2 AC wall chargers that are BEHIND my night stand in the room and a six foot cable makes it super easy to connect, wrap around the night stand and still have enough length to sit on my night stand for charging. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!
RAVPower Micro USB Cable Thumb Groove
The perfect little groove for my thumb!
Some of the features that I really liked was the the little thumb groove on the USB Port connection. Placing your thumb there not only gives you a good grip of the cable, but it works as an indicator as to how the cable needs to be plugged into the USB, guaranteeing you that you will insert the cable correctly each and every time!!! I know it's not a big deal, but I used to fumble around with that all the time. I would try to connect to the USB port and when it wouldn't connect, I would flip it around then it STILL wouldn't connect, and then flipped a few times before it actually went in. I felt like you needed to be some sort of magical wizard to be able to get the USB port to accept your cable on your first try. lol Again, not a big deal for some, but it's a big deal to me.
RAVPower Micro USB Cable
Connecting on the first time every time from now on!
I mentioned charging times in my intro. The charging times will vary depending on the power source that you connect your USB cables to. Laptops, AC chargers, and external battery packs can and will give you different charging times... BUT when you have cables with iSmart tech, you'll know that you'll get the fastest possible charge no matter where you plug in from. And that's exactly what you get here as well. I love that the iSmart tech uses the fastest (and safest) charge for your device. Whether it be a tablet (Amazon Kindle Fire 8.9" HD) , smartphone (BLU R1 HD), or any other Micro USB chargeable device, the iSmart tech will kick in and assure that you will charge up quickly and safely. Believe it or not, there are still some cables out there that claim to charge at the fastest time, but that doesn't mean that it's good for your device. I've used some of those cables before and noticed that my smartphone would feel extremely hot. Hot to the point where it genuinely worried me. I thought that my phone would be fried. Just know that you will not have that problem with these great RAVPower cables.
Torn Micro USB Cable
The RAVPower cable is on the top, the "other guys" is on the bottom.  You can see how the RAVPower
Micro USB Cable has extra reinforcement right at the point of weakness.
Lastly, the durability... Now... I've only had the cables for the better part of the month so I can't claim that they'll last forever, BUT, I do like that the cables have some features to make sure that they'll last for quite some time. First, I'm sure that we've all had cables that have a tear where the cable bends at the base of the connection. Those suck. Once it tears, you'll see exposed wire and then you have to fiddle with the wire to find the "sweet spot" to make sure it works. Don't lie to yourself, friend. You've been there. lol Well, these RAVPower cables have a unique design at the base of connections to assure that getting a tear there would be near impossible. Not only that, but this design feature has been tested using the bend test over 8,000 times to assure that you won't get a tear. Imagine that.... the cable was intentionally bent over 8,000 and it did not tear!!! And because RAVPower is awesome, you will get a 18 month warranty on the cables. If by chance you get a tear or they stop working, you can get a new set. Now that's standing by your product!

I love these cables. I was absolutely fed up with finding busted wires or slow charging cables. I'm super happy that I no longer have that problem. If you are anything like me, you're going to need more than one set of these because 6 wires are just not enough. Especially when practically every device and gadget that I own needs a Micro USB cable to charge up. Don't waste your time picking up crappy cables. Same yourself the time, the aggravation, and the frustration of dealing with crappy cables. Pick up these cables and be happy!  Right now, you can pick up a set of these great cables for under $16 at Amazon.  It well worth it for a set of super reliable Micro USB Cables!

So what do you guys think?  You've experience some cable despair?  You think you'll pick up some of these awesome cables?  Let's hear it in the comments, friends!

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