Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Get the Best Lawn Care with Scotts Snap Spreader System

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Hey there.  You know what the worst part of Winter is?  The fact that you need to protect your plants and grass from the cold conditions.  Those of us with snow know that it will eventually kill your grass and those of us with much cooler air know that patches of grass are going to end up dying.  Before Spring starts, you'll have a patch of grass here, yellow grass there, and dirt patches in between.  For the lawn enthusiats, it's a time to plan for lawn care for Srping.  Well... at least that was the plan BEFORE discovering Scotts® Snap® Spreader System!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Thoughts on... The Lorax

Hey there.  This weekend was the opening weekend of the film, The Lorax.  We haven't been to the theaters in awhile and I figured that it would be a great way to get out of heat (it was pretty hot in Southern California) and get into a nice air conditioned room and catch a movie.  Considering that 3D was only a dollar more per ticket, we went with the 3D version instead of the 2D version.  I'm still not sold on the whole 3D thing, but it does make movies a tad more interesting to watch.  After the popcorn was in the bucket, and the candy and nachos were passed out, we finally got to watching the film.  As with all of my "Thoughts on... posts, there are SPOILERS AHEAD.  If you plan on watching this film anytime soon, go check it out and then come back.  Here are my thoughts on...  The Lorax.

Motivational Monday: A: Jump B: Shoot

Awwww... when times were simple.