Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Catherine Game Winner - Kyle

Hey there.  Check out this awesome pic that I received from the winner of the Catherine game!
Catherine Game Winner
It looks like Kyle is ready for some gaming tonight!  lol  Thanks for the great pic!  It's one of the more creative ones I've received.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Valentine Collector's Bills at Swagbucks

Hey there.  Have you guys signed up for Swagbucks yet?  If not, you sure need to.  It's easily one of the simplest ways to earn Amazon gift cards!  Today marks the day when the Valentine bills are to be released.  Collect all 5 and receive a bonus 14 Swag Bucks!  Here's a short message from Hal!

"Swagbucks is releasing a new set of Collector's Bills just in time for Valentine's Day - 5 romantic reminders worth different amounts of reward points. Collect them all and get 14 Bonus Swag Bucks to use towards your free stuff! The bills come out at midnight PT on Monday and will be available only through Search until 11:59pm PT on Valentine's Day. Good luck!"

Sprint's Limited Time Offer on the Nexus S 4G and the HTC EVO 3D Ends Feb. 8th

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Sprint for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Hey there.  With more and more great phones coming out and each one being better than the last, it's tough to come up with a great deal on an awesome phone when there are so many to choose from.  I have written about my disdain for Sprint in the past, but like I mentioned in my last post, they are slowly winning me over.  I complained about their lack of sales and less than stellar customer service but you have to give credit where credit is due and Sprint is making all the right moves!  For a limited time only, Sprint is offering the Nexus S™ 4G and the HTC EVO™ 3D at insanely low prices.

Motivational Monday - Super Bowl 46 Glory

Congrats to Eli and the Giants on last night's big win!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Join Walgreen's Prescription Savings Club Today

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Hey there.  At one point or another, we're going to get sick and we're going to need medicine to get better.  It's unavoidable.  It's the reason why many of us have insurance.  But some of us are not as fortunate enough to be covered or prescription medicine is just too much.  If that describes your situation then you're in luck!  For a limited time, the Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens is only $35 to cover a family and pets for a full year and it's only $20 for an indivisual plan.