Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Blogaversary - 3 Years Completed. Year 4... COMMENCE

Hey there friends.  3 years are in the books.  3 full years as a blogger.  Wow!  Actually, the anniversary was yesterday, March 13th, but I didn't have time to post something then. I do want to let you know that I am planning a give a way this month.  I'm leaning towards shipping out a video game to one my readers in the states.  I'm not sure which one, but stay tuned and find out which one.  Also, I wanted to "come out" on that day.  No, not like that.  But come out in the way were I can no longer stay "anonymous".  It's kind of pointless now.  For those that are new to the site, you simply know me as "Metallman", a moniker that has been with me for well over a decade now.  For those of you know that have come to know me beyond the site, know me as Victor, or Vic. 

You know, when I first started this blog, I figured that I would be another random voice in a sea of tech.  I've learned the names of friends while others stayed in their online persona.  Now, with Twitter, Facebook, and what not... it's more and more difficult to keep that online persona a secret so instead of keeping that charade going, I'd figure I'd just come out and say it.  My name is Victor Salazar and I live in Southern California. 

I'll admit that I was pushed to come out by another blog that I frequently visit.  When I stopped at the "About me" section of it, I noticed that this "Cheap and Geeky" friend used an online moniker but then decided against it.  I told myself that it would be harder to stay anonymous than to get personal with your readers and that was when I decided that I should just lay it out there. 

I am not only Metallman online and I am not only Victor everywhere else.  I am both so I don't mind either one.  So how do you feel about the whole "coming out" thing?  Is it something that you would feel comfortable doing or something that you would still like to keep to yourself?  I'm curious to know if you've come out already, plan to come out any time soon, or stay anonymous.  I'd love to know if there were any changes that you've made over if you did come out.  Share your experiences, friends.  Later!
I swear I had this conversation with a blogging buddy once

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Get Your DD214 Forms Online

Hey there friends.  I recently posted about obtaining a VA Home Loan if you have served in the military.  Though I provided some pretty useful information, I was asked what could be done if they have no received their DD214 forms or if they have misplaced them.  You need your DD214 forms to determine your eligibility so it's important that you hold on them.  But if you whatever reason you don't have them, here's how you can obtain them.

Getting your DD214 forms online is extremely easy.  Using the DD214 express service from the link that I have provided, you simply fill out the request to have the forms and send them in.  If you have a fax number, you can request duplicate forms using the VA fax on demand system.  Dial 301-837-0990 from a fax machine and follow the directions.  It really is that easy.  If you already have a home loan, no problem.  You can still take advantage of the awesome VA refinance rates available to you.  BUT YOU MUST HAVE YOUR DD214 FORMS.

If you're in the military, you should definitely take advantage of the options available.  There is no excuse as to why you shouldn't.  These programs are there to help and by not taking advantage, you're just making it difficult on yourself.  Do yourself and your family a favor and look into these option.  You'll be glad you did.  Later!

My Brother in Law is Getting Married Today

Hey there.  Today, my brother in law is getting married.  Congrats to my other little brother!  He and his GF have decided to tie the knot and the after party is going to be in our place.  We've spent a lot of time decorating the back yard and prepping it for 100 guests or so.  The only thing missing are the centerpieces, which he's picking up right now, and will be heading over here to place them on the tables.  Check it out:
Not too bad, right?  The wife is getting the girls ready right now.  We have approx. 3 hours before we're off to meet with the in laws.  This is where it's a huge advantage to being a man.  I can get ready in about 15 mins or so.  lol  I guess breakfast and baby watching will fall on me this morning while the wife is curling up the girls' and her hair.  I'll catch up with you guys post ceremony.  Later!


Just as I was finishing this post, my brother in law came with the centerpieces.  They definitely add some color to the tables and look pretty damn nice.  Check it out.
What a difference a few centerpieces can make, huh.  Later!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Converting DVDs with ImTOO DVD Ripper

Hey there.  Once of the most difficult things to find is a reliable converter.  Whether it be mobile video to .mpeg, DVD to .avi, or .mp4 to .flv.  There are so many video formats that it's impossible to find one that will work with what you're trying to do.  But alas, there is one that works great for DVDs.  ImTOO DVD Ripper is a great tool to use when using DVDs to create original works.  Most of us own digital camcorders and converting those mini DVDs into other formats can be a pain.  With this software, you can easily cut, edit, or convert the whole DVD into multiple formats to accommodate your needs. 

Imagine wanting to create a custom made video for a special event, say a wedding.  You can use this tool to cut and paste DVD video into one, while being able to add cool effects, subtitles, take only a snapshot, take audio cuts, and much more.  You can definitely make this your own special project and and create a professional looking video with the use of this DVD Ripper.  Here are some of the main features:
  • Mac DVD ripper for video - rip DVD to videos
  • DVD ripper for audio - rip DVD to audios
  • DVD image capture - DVD to pictures
  • Magic video editor - crop/subtitle/effect/watermark
  • Free sewer - clip, split and merge     
The DVD ripper is available for PC but they also have the DVD Ripper Mac which is designed to work on all Mac computers.  If you're serious about creating original web videos or quality presentations for special events, this is definitely something you should check out.  It'll save you the trouble of having several programs opened at once to create a great video which this lone program could do.  Check it out, friend.  Later!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Metallman's Reverie: Blog Income for February 2011

Hey there.  February is in the the books and it's time to report on how well on (or off) pace we are in reaching my $1700 goal for the year. Let's take a look at the numbers:

Yahoo Contributor Network - $1.85
CMFAds - $2.25
MyLikes - $5.84 - $17.00
Sponsored Tweets - $25.25
Blogsvertise - $64.00 
Total for Feb- $116.19
YTD Total - $352.02 (+$68.69 ahead of pace)

Not too bad.  I failed to meet the minimum of $141.66 this month but my good January definitely carried me into the plus side this month.  I am trying some new things to see if they'll increase traffic and income and I was pleasantly surprised that I received a payment from YCN.  They'll pay based on impressions so for every 1000 page veiws, you'll get paid $1.50.  I have not been as active as I would like but it's nice to know that someone out there is still reading some of the articles I published there.  I also received payment for my work on Dragon Blogger.  My first payment there and I'm hoping that more will follow.

Overall, a solid month.  I fell short by only $25 so that's not too bad.  I'm trying things out and doing well in the online community.  If you believe that you're ready to try out some of online services that I use, check out the links above.  Tell them that Metallman sent you.  lol  Best of luck!  Later!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Zumba Fitness Review on Dragon Blogger

Hey there.  Check out my review of Zumba Fitness for the Wii on Dragon Blogger.  Read the review here and let me know what you guys think.  Thanks!