Wednesday, November 17, 2010

BCBG Sale Nov. 20th

Hey there.  I'm spreading the word on the BCBG sale that is going to be going on this Saturday, November 20th.  I know that many are familiar with the BCBG Max Azria name and these kind of sales only happen once or twice a year.  So, if you're in the Los Angeles area and are looking to score some designer clothes, stop by and get yourself some high end stuff at dirt cheap prices.  Details are in the flyer below.  Later!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kirk Hammet Kicks Ass... And Kids?!?!?!

Hey there friends. I love Metallica. I've seen them a few times when they're in the Los Angeles area and they put on one awesome live show. A staple of theirs during the Death Magnetic Tour is hundreds of beach balls falling from the ceiling and everyone in the stands punches them and the band members kick them off stage. Well... the below video shows what may happen when "unauthorized personnel" in on the stage. Hope the little guy is alright. Later!

Thanks for the link, Enigmageek!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Shuuuuuuuuuun the Non Believer

Classic John Grisham

Guest post written by Barry Blackburn

It had been a few years since I'd read any John Grisham books, even though I used to read all of this books all the time. I guess that my wife having twins not too long ago kept me busy even outside of work and completely cut out my extra time that I would use for reading for fun.

But, my wife bought me John Grisham's latest book The Confession when it came out not too long ago after I had spotted the news that a new one was coming out when we were shopping around for an internet company. When I did that I found the website and changed our internet service over to the company because I liked the info for it better than the other ones that I had investigated.

Well, it didn't take me long to get through the book because I took it on the plane with me on a recent business trip and it reminded me of why I love reading his stuff. So I started rereading his A Time to Kill book, which I've had for years.

Delusions of Bourbon (via

So true on so many levels