Monday, June 22, 2020

The Importance of Raised Flooring Infographic

Hey there, friends. Who knew that your flooring can make a difference on how you feel in a room! Especially in a hot climate. You know, I live in the high desert area of California and now that Summer is here, a cool home is a must. Part of my floor is tile and the other part is carpet, and I'm thinking that the carpet portion of the flooring has got to go. It just feels so much more hotter in the carpeted area than the tile area. Well, after looking into flooring and the types of flooring out there, our friends at DataSpan put out a great article on the benefits of raised flooring. I thought it was pretty interesting and figured I'd share the infographic with you guys. Check it out below:

Friday, June 5, 2020

Spies in Disguise Movie Review

Spies in Disguise Movie

Will Smith stars in this animation, which we thought was a really great movie. Will Smith plays a secret agent who is very arrogant and ends up getting into trouble and he has to save himself and the world.

He ends up turning into a pigeon by accident. This is a really great movie for the whole family which is so much fun and has its fair share of funny moments. That means you can put your online casino game on autoplay so that you can enjoy this movie with family.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Will Comic Books Ever Die?

Bowser Comics

The first comic ever written was released in 1941. From that time, millions have been written. With others being turned into movies and others being made into series.

From the time first comic book ever released, a lot has changed. Technology has changed as well and even the things that people like have changed.

While in the olden days, comic books were very popular with comic book stores found in every corner, this is no longer the case. That has brought us to the topic of the day, will comic books ever die?

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

How Old Do You Need To Be To Own Your First Car?

Buying a Car
The way that the world is evolving, means that things are changing as well. Where people had to wait for eons to get their first car, some have to wait a few years. Which then leads us to the question of the day. How old do you need to be to own your first car?

Friday, January 10, 2020

How To Clean Car Windows Correctly

Car Window Cleaning
Car windows are one of the most annoying things to clean. This is because when you don’t clean them correctly, you will leave them with stains and streaks, and sometimes, dirtier than they originally were. These streaks are just frustrating as they make your effort pointless. However, no need to fret. We are here to share tips on how to clean car windows correctly. After all, you want to feel confident about your car. For us, it’s really important that car windows look super clean so that you don’t get distracted when you play your usa casinos online games when you are waiting for your order at the drive-through. So, read below for all the tips.