Showing posts with label PC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PC. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2012

Stick it to Viruses! FixMeStick Review and Giveaway

Me and my new ammo against Viruses and Malware!
Hey there.  I was recently contacted by our good friends at FixMeStick and was offered an opportunity to try out their latest product:  The FixMeStick.  Let me paint a picture for you.  You're off, browsing the web like we all do, purchased some music, viewed some funny videos, and then... your computer crashes.  Oh man...  You get it load up but you notice it's a little sluggish.  Then there are a few pop ups that don't seem to want to go away.  Worst case scenario, the computer won't even boot up anymore because of the viruses and malware that have infected your computer.  Before you even get a chance to assess the damage, the virus or malware have taken over your computer.  You now consider it "useless" and need to get your tech friend to clean out your computer and hope to have it working soon.  Now, how many times have THAT happened to you?  I can tell you right now that I have cleaned out my fair share of computers and laptops and it can be a tedious task since computer threats have been getting smarter and more difficult to find and eliminate.  The FixMeStick makes this tedious task of virus removal extremely easy!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bioshock Infinite Release Date and Collectors Edition Details

Hey there.  FINALLY!!!  A release date for Bioshock: Infinite!  It was supposed to be out early this year... then it was supposed to be late this year and now...  it's February 26, 2013!  I can't wait!  I preordered this bad boy well over a year ago and when it was pushed back I was discouraged.  Good thing I only placed $5 to "hold the game" at that point in time.  There will be 2 collector's editions available for the game:  The Premium Edition and the Song Bird Edition.  Here's what you'll get with the Premium Edition:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Walking Dead Video Game

Hey there. Now that the season is over, fans are looking for a zombie fix.  The Walking Dead has been insanely popular and it was only a matter of time before a video game based on the show/comic would be made.  My friends... it is happening.  TellTale games has taken the challenge and well... check out the trailer for The Walking Dead video game!

Whoa!  I love that the kept the look and feel of The Walking Dead.  It seems almost as if it plays out like a comic book!  Again, this is just the trailer so you can't take too much from it but it sure does look promising.  I really hope that they take their time and do this right or there will be a lot of upset fans.  What do you think of the trailer?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Keep Your Computer Up to Speed with Digeus Registry Cleaner

Hey there.  Having a computer is pretty awesome these days.  You can play great computer games, there tons of apps to enjoy, video and music streaming to our heart's content.  It is a great entertainment hub!  But what happens when the computer starts to slow down?  When the computer starts to lag and the loading times are horrible, dealing with the computer can be a huge pain.  That's why you need make sure that you're not cluttering your Windows computer with all the junk files that comes with installing and uninstalling programs and apps.  Using a great registry cleaner like Digeus Registry Cleaner will help get rid off all the unnecessary crap files from you computer to help keep it going strong.

With just a few mouse clicks, you can keep your computer running as if it's brand new.  Check out some awesome points as to why you should check it out:
  • Removes unused and invalid entries 
  • Speeds up boot up time Fixes 
  • Windows errors which results in speeding up your computer 
  • Eliminates BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) 
  • Invaluable when your system starts crashing, hangs, freezes and works slow 
  • This is one of the most popular registry cleaners on the Internet
It sucks when your computer starts to slow down due to clutter.  Take a leap in the right direction and keep that computer in top shape with Digeus Registry Cleaner!  Later!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition Game Giveaway

Who's ready for another giveaway?!  Due to the popularity of Dragon Age as "one of the best RPGs", I decided to give it away for those of use that haven't experienced it yet.  Enter below for your chance to win Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition for the Xbox 360, PS3, or PC!  Here's the game's description:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dead Space 2 Game Winner

Hey there! It's time to announce the winner of Dead Space 2!  There were many tweets, likes, and blog posts and I must say that it was pretty cool to see such heavy activity. Now... before I announce the winner, just a quick reminder. If you write a blog post promoting this giveaway, you must include the blog post link in the extra info field. If it's not there, I can't verify and that's 10 entries that were stricken from Rafflecopter. Sucks to say, but I had to remove a few entries because a url was not present. Don't lose those entries, friends!!!  Now... on to the winner!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dead Space 2 Game Giveaway

Who wants to win Dead Space 2 for the Xbox 360, PC, or PS3?  Enter below using the Rafflecopter widget for your chance to score on the best horror games of 2011!  Here's the game's description:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Name Your Game Giveaway

Hey there.  Dragonblogger Technology Blog and Metallman's Reverie have teamed up to provide you guys a chance to win a game of YOUR CHOICE!  That's right!  The winner of this giveaway will be able to choose a game of up to $59.99 in retail value.  How awesome is that!?!  Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC, Nintendo 3DS...  the platform and game is completely up to you!  And the best part about this giveaway???  EVERYONE can enter!  The only catch is that if you are entering from an international country outside of the US and Canada, we will wire you $59.99 via Paypal so that you can go and purchase the game.  Shipping costs vary widely and in some instances, they exceed the game value so this is a great alternative to allow everyone to enter.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dead Island Game Winner

Hey there!  It's time to announce the winner of Dead Island!  This giveaway has been the best turnout ever for this site and I am extremely grateful to all that have entered.  There were many tweets, likes, and blog posts and I must say that it was pretty cool to see such heavy activity.  Now... before I announce the winner, just a quick reminder.  If you leave a blog post, you must include the blog post link in the extra info field.  If it's not there, I can't verify and that's 10 entries that were stricken from Rafflecopter.  Sucks to say, but I had to remove a few entries because a url was not present.  Now... on to the winner!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dead Island Game Giveaway

Who's ready to kick off 2012 with another game giveaway!!!  I know you're ready!  Let's do this!  The next game up for grabs is Dead Island for the Xbox 360, PS3, or PC!  Here's some info on the game:

The island of Banoi is a lush, tropical paradise in the South Pacific where its flagship Royal Palms Resort serves as the ultimate getaway for vacationers with money to burn. However, all good things must soon come to an end - and the picturesque resort falls into madness, carnage and chaos after a mysterious and contagious zombie outbreak claims its once peaceful atmosphere. Cut off from the rest of the world, only four individuals who strangely find themselves immune to zombification have the power to protect the remaining survivors from the horrors of the island, discover what's really going on and find a way to escape before their own fatal ends.