Saturday, August 10, 2019

How to Play Monopoly (Part 1)

Monopoly Game
Monopoly is not just a game... it
s a way of life.
Monopoly is a classic board game that is loved by players of all ages. However, most people find it hard to play. This is because the rules are quite complicated. Also, there are quite a number of variations out there that aren't really listed in the official rule book. In this post, we explain how to play monopoly in brief.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What Can You Do To Develop Your Reputation As A Top Gamer?

PS4 Controller
Hey there. There’s quite a difference between being a great gamer, and being a pro gamer. Whatever level you’re at right now you can become a great gamer, but becoming a pro gamer takes a huge amount of skill, effort, time, and dedication. You don’t get paid for your gaming skills by doing it casually!

Below, we’ll take a look at what you can do to develop your reputation as a gamer, and how you could potentially become pro - just remember, pro gaming is not for everybody!

Friday, July 19, 2019

Don't Think You Need A Side Hustle? Yes You Do!

The idea of a side hustle might not sound appealing because, well, let's face it - no one wants to work twice as hard! The motto to live by is to work smarter, not harder. However, a side hustle is more than a ball-busting second job that adds extra stress to your life. In reality, it can fill in the gaps and help you to transform a passion into something big. You don't think you need a side hustle now, but you haven't read this post.

Here are the four main reasons to try and turn a hobby into something special.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Three Things to Do When You're Bored at Work (Other Than Work)

Hey there.  Being bored at work happens to the best of us. Even if you’re lucky enough to have a boring job without limits on your web browsing, you may still feel like you should avoid obvious gaming in case your manager looks over and sees your screen. If you’ve already exhausted your usual time-wasting routine and you can’t handle one more cat video, try one of these time-wasting activities that sort of look like work.
Working on a Computer
Photo by Hack Capital on Unsplash

Sunday, July 14, 2019

How to Make Money From Your Passion

If you’re going to make money, then you may as well do so by doing something that you fundamentally enjoy. The thing about your passions is that they don’t need to exist in isolation from the rest of your life; quite the opposite, you can use it as a foundation to boost your income. Now, of course, everyone kind of wants to make their passion their full-time work, but that’s not really what we’re getting at. You’re not going to learn how to become a professional athlete or musician from a blog post! Instead, we offer a few ways in which you can earn some side-income from the thing you already love. Here’s how.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Alternative Ways to Boost Your Income

Writing in a Notebook
We could all do with a little bit of extra money in our bank account, but of course, that’s often more wishful thinking that a real, viable option. Or is it? While we might not always convince our bosses to boost our income, there are often more ways to increase our income than we realize. There’s a lot of money in the world, and there are more ways to get it than via our regular old employment. Below, we take a look at a few options that you may not have considered.