Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Alternative Ways to Boost Your Income

Writing in a Notebook
Source: Pexels.com
We could all do with a little bit of extra money in our bank account, but of course, that’s often more wishful thinking that a real, viable option. Or is it? While we might not always convince our bosses to boost our income, there are often more ways to increase our income than we realize. There’s a lot of money in the world, and there are more ways to get it than via our regular old employment. Below, we take a look at a few options that you may not have considered.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Slacking Made Fun

When you’re looking for something to do to while away those long afternoons at work, your thoughts automatically turn to online gaming. But working on leveling up on your blacks ops game is going to be tough without your gaming chair and bespoke joystick, so you’re going to need to play something a little more discreet.

In this review we look at some desktop games that will certainly kill an hour or two in your downtime at work and won’t need you to don a headset to do so. Take a look at our top eight games to play in your cubicle that your boss won’t even know about.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

How to Reach Your Fitness Goals

Reach Goals
It is always good to dream big and achieve your goals. If one of your goals is to keep your fitness level unscathed then go for it. But what slows people down when they want to consummate their goal are the unrealistic targets they set for themselves among other things.

Keep on reading as we get into it. And give you a full intel on what to do to make sure that you do not let yourself down.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

11 Stunning Living Room Seating Arrangements

Living Room Seating Arrangements

Each of the options that you find below will make it fun for you to build a living room that people will enjoy. You might set up the room just for you, or you could make the room into a place that people want to sit when they come over. Imagine how easy it will be for you to set up your room when you have been reading through these designs that most often focus on the TV.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Virtual Tabletops Have Transformed the Gaming World

Tabletop Games Roll20
Games are a favorite pastime for many. While games used to be played around tables or on the floor, technology has brought the gaming world to a new level. One of the downfalls of the traditional tabletop model for gaming is that it requires all players to be in the same physical space. It can often be a hassle to get your group of gamers to the same place at the same time. Additionally, some of your favorite gamers may move away requiring you to find new people to play with. Enter virtual tabletops.