Music... poetry without any words |
Hey there. I love music. I've always been into music since as far back as I can remember. From my early days playing on a recorder to my later years jamming on a guitar. I strongly believe that music can transcend words. A beautifully crafted piece of music can saw much, much more than any words can. As a kid, I would spend more than enough time playing the recorder. I still remember how to play the thing too. lol That seed led to me play more instruments throughout my years: flute, trumpet, keyboard, bass, guitar... When I was feeling a little upbeat, I would grab the flute and play. When I was feeling tense, I would grab my guitar and play. Guitar... I'm particularly proud of being to play guitar. Not because it's "cool" or anything of that sort, but because it was a new instrument for me to learn to play. The guitar that I learned on was a 20 fret Fender Stratocaster that was gifted to me by my uncle from Minnesota (which I, in turned, gifted to my son). Soon after, I picked up an "easy" to learn guitar book with Metallica songs in it and got to work.