Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Walking Dead on AMC is Not Your Typical Zombie Show

Hey there.  Last year, a great show aired on AMC and guess what...  I missed it.  Of course I did, I mean, who wants to hear about another zombie show/movie?  I'll admit that even though I love the genre, it seemed so saturated at the time that I didn't pay it any mind.  And considering that AMC picked up the show for only a 6 season episode makes me believe that AMC must have thought the same thing.  Boy was I wrong!  The Walking Dead has been a great success for AMC and the second season is just underway and now I hear that they have picked it up for another full season!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Motivational Monday - Hello Kitty

I have come to realize that if a zombie apocalypse is going down, I will need one of these for the wife...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Molting Tarantula

Vixin!!!  I didn't know you had a twin sister!
Hey there.  You know what happened last week?  My tarantula, Vixin, molted!  For those of you not in the know, molting is to spiders what shedding is to snakes.  Because a spider's exoskeleton is on the outside of their bodies, they need to break out of it when they get too big for it.  If you didn't know any better, would think that your tarantula split into 2!  Vixen has molted twice before and both times I only saw the aftermath.  Not this time though!  Here's the story.