Thursday, September 8, 2011

Metallman's Reverie: Blog Income August 2011

Hey there.  August is in the the books and it's time to report on how well on (or off) pace we are in reaching my $1700 goal for the year. Let's take a look at the numbers:

SocialSpark - $62.85
SponsoredTweets - $26.65
PayPerPost - $43.00
Dad Central - $250.00
Blogsvertise - $40.00
MyLikes - $2.11
Total for August- $424.61
YTD Total - $1896.52 (GOAL EXCEEDED!!! New Goal - $2500)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thoughts on... Ichi the Killer

Kakihara...  A face only a mother would love.
Or not.
Hey there.  Welcome to my new series of posts!  Some of the other popular series that I take part on are Funny Friday, Motivational Monday, and the Ode to series.  Today, I am now adding the Thoughts on series to that list.  The vast majority will be based on films since I love to watch movies and they are usually the ones that I talk about the most.  But first, let's lay some guidelines as to how this is going to work.  First and foremost, this is NOT a review, I will NOT tiptoe around certain scenes, and there WILL be spoilers.  I will be speaking as if I'm conversing with someone that has already seen the movie and will express thoughts and emotions that came to be as I watched the movie.  I strongly suggest that if you plan on watching this movie someday, you do it now before I kill it for you.  lol  Maybe my thoughts will be that of the norm or maybe they'll be so out there and people will be like, how did you come up with that?!  I don't know.  I just figured that this would be a good way to convey some of the inner workings of my brain.  lol  So let's begin, no?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rise of Nightmares for the Xbox 360 Kinect

Hey there. Why am I excited about a game for the Kinect? Don't I already know that Kinect games fall into one of 2 categories. They are either dance games or they are "mini game" games. There hasn't been that Kinect game that has a story centered around it. Well, that ends today! Rise of Nightmares is here to shake up the Kinect lineup and hopes to add a new dimension to the kid friendly titles that currently stock store shelves.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Call of Duty: Elite

Hey there.  You know, I've been spending a lot of time recently on finishing Final Fantasy XIII so that I can be caught up for when Final Fantasy XIII-2 hits shelves.  During the "down" time, I figured that I would play a little Black Ops and Rise of Nightmares to kill the time.  Well... it looks like Black Ops is beginning to take over.

Motivational Poster: Nerds

Where can I get this shirt?!?!!?!