Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cruising the Streets in a New Convertible

Hey there. Wouldn't it be great to be driving down the coast in a band new convertible? Wind blowing through your hair, soaking up the sun, taking in the scenery, all the while, knowing that you just saved some money on your car rental. That's right, our good friends over at have up to 50% discounts on all convertibles and luxury vehicles. Use the above link, and you'll be able to check out some of their other promotional offers so that you too can be cruising the streets in style. Go ahead and splurge a little and get yourself into the car of your dreams and take a road trip to where your heart desires.

A Switch From Blogger?

Hey there friends. I've been contemplating a move from Blogger to another blog platform. I believe that the only reason I'm staying is because it's my first blog and I've grown familiar with what I can and can't do on Blogger. And that's my problem... I know what I can't do and it would suck to have to leave because of some "imperfections".

First and foremost, I cannot upload Excel files. Maybe it's just me and you can't do this on any platform, but I have a few games that I would like to share with you all and I cannot get them to upload on Blogger. HUGE issue for me. Who wouldn't want to come here and then get themselves a free dose or Pac Man or whatever. lol I guess the fact that I'm restricted is what's bothering me. I figured, it's my page and I can do as I please, but the fact that I can't upload a file is taking that "power" of freedom away. Would I be able to upload files on other blogging platforms?

Also, more and more, that empty space on each side of my page is getting to me. I don't know why it didn't bother me before. I guess it was just the "newness" of blogging that I felt happy with it only because I now had a small space to call my own. I really want to expand it all the way as of right now, I have not figured it out. I'm pretty sure that a new template would fix this. Maybe I should look into that.

Maybe I should be looking into getting my own domain. Tranfer all my stuff over. I wouldn't know how it would work though, but I'm sure they would have a "help me" guide or what not. Maybe I should start looking into that.

Or maybe I'm just being a little bitch. lol I know that there are millions of people using blogger and if it was really bad, they would all ditch it for something else. Eh. Guess it's just something to think about. Later.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Great Glasses at an Affordable Price

Hey there friends. I, like many other people, need glasses and sometimes they are pretty pricey. I end up dishing well over $150 a pair sometimes. Well, not anymore! Our friends over at have a great site where frames and lenses of all kinds are sold at very affordable prices. With the way the economy is, we can all save a few bucks and this is a great way to save without sacrificing quality. "But how can they do that?", you ask. Well, they eliminate the middle man and instead of pocketing the money they save, the savings goes out to the customers. Half rim frames, scratch resistant lenses, sun sensor lens, titanium frames... they have it all. Below is just one example of the kind of frames you'll find so do your wallet a favor and check out today to save on some great eye wear.

This is a sponsored post

Histats Screw Up

Hey there. I having some issues with my histats counter... I don't see how Project wonderful can show me over 100 page views and my counter only shows 30+. I ever refreshed my page to see if the counter would move and it didn't. Very odd. Hopefully this brain fart will only last for a bit and all should be back to normal soon. Thanks.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Mystery of the Corona Bottle

Hey there. More weird things happening in our home. If Odin appearing in the house on his own wasn't enough, check out what happened last night. About a week or so ago, we had company over and we all chilled, had a few beers/drinks and capped the night off with some Guitar Hero. Because I'm not a solo drinker, I never have beer in the fridge unless it's some leftover beer from one our get togethers. Well, it turns out that we had a few Coronas left so I stashed them in the fridge. Last night, my wife decided that the fridge needed some cleaning so she was cleaning it out. She accidentally knocked over one of the Coronas and it toppled to the floor. She stared at it as it fell, lol Luckily, it didn't break so we didn't have shards of glass all over the place. My babe, picked it up and set it next the other bottle of Corona. Nothing weird about that, right?

WRONG! As my babe was about to place the bottles back in the fridge, one of the bottles was open and the bottle cap was missing! WTF!?!?!? We searched for the cap and we didn't find it, then it occurred to my wife that the cap was on the bottle when it fell because it was lying on the floor. If the cap was missing from the get go, it would've spilled when it landed on the floor. That was not the case. We looked at each other in disbelief. I dare not drink the beer of ghosts so I poured it down the drain. lol

Today, during lunch, we concluded that it was probably my pops. My dad passed away when I was 9 (over 17 years ago) and we figured that my pops was probably thirsty so he opened it and took the cap with him to let us know he was there. We usually take a beer can for him when we would go and visit him at the cemetery, but these last couple of times, I've forgotten it. He must've been pissed cause I didn't take it to him on Father's Day, so he needed to take action into his own hands and take it himself. lol Sorry pops, I promise to take you two next time we visit. Later!