Showing posts with label Final Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Final Fantasy. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Final Fantasy Periodic Table of the Elements

Hey there. Where the hell where you during my time in AP Chemistry? I actually would have attended class more often if I knew this was going to be my "study buddy". lol It's great, no? And the best part is that the table does a good job of associating the element symbol to a name in Final Fantasy lore. Here are some examples:

Copper = Co = Chocobo
Silver = Ag = Aeris Gainsboro
Chlorine = Cl = Cloud
Caesium = Cs - Cait Sith
Titanium = Ti = Tidus
Magnesium = Mg = Moogle

I mean, C'mon! How bad ass is that?! Kudos to the creator of this table of the elements. That person must have taken forever to match a final fantasy term to each element. I'm going to look for a big one to get my kids. I'm sure they'll learn all these by the time they need to know them. Until then, later!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

Hey there. First off, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who reads this blog. I've been blessed to have made many new friends and have even made a couple bucks on the side. With those couple of bucks, I bought our son a PSP with all kinds of goodies. My wife and I promised him a PSP if he brought home the honor roll trophy that his school was handing out to hard working students. He didn't disappoint and brought it home. I was able to get a bad ass deal on one at Ebay and the package came with Fight Night 3 and some Spongebob game, as well as the original packaging of the PSP (receipt included) and a 1 Gig memory card. Not bad for a little over $100.

I bought it for him but it looks like I'll be using it more now that I've came across this. Final Fantasy Tactics. What a bad ass game. I had this game back in the day during my PS One days. I used to spend hours playing this thing and on some occasions, well past midnight trying to navigate my way through the world of Ivalice and get the bottom of all the corruption. I never finished the game, since it got rather difficult and I think my game was scratched, so when I walked into a Target store a few days ago and saw this game on clearance, YES CLEARANCE, I just had to buy it.

The PSP version has more features than the original PS version and right off, you notice the revamped intro scene is redone using CG graphics compared to the blocked looked that was present in the PS One version. It also has voice overs so that was definitely a nice addition.

From what people have told me, there are a few hidden job classes that were not present in the original game and that it's a challenge to be able to unlock them. I've only just started the game not too long ago and already all the job classes, story, and characters have come back to me.

Speaking of characters, even the sky pirate, Balthier, makes an appearance in the PSP game. Considering that Ivalice is the same setting as Final Fantasy XII, it fits right in that Ramza and crew would bump into the famous sky pirate of Ivalice. I can't wait to finally get through the game. I'm determined to find out how this game ends and what part the antagonist, Delita, plays in all of it. His character is a bit of a mystery after chapter one and I need to know what that bastard did to start a war! Later!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Make It Happen, We Need FFVII!!!

Hey there friends. Not sure if you've heard, but from what I hear, the Final Fantasy VII remake WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE IN THE STATES!!!! WHAT!?!?!?!?! SquareEnix (Squaresoft back in the day) made the mistake of not releasing Final Fantasy 2 and 3 in the states and it created a masss confusion regarding the numeration of Final Fantasy titles (FF2 in the states is really FF4 and so on). They finally released FFIII in DS form and it's a huge success. FF7 will no doubt be a hit as well, especially since the original is already considered to be the best game ever created. Sign this petition people. We need our FF7 fix!!!

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Petition