Showing posts with label Wonder Egg Priority. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wonder Egg Priority. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Anime Thoughts... Wonder Egg Priority Episode 4: Colorful Girls

Wonder Egg Priority

Hey there. This is the first post of a new series that you'll find on Metallman's Reverie... Anime Thoughts... You see, I watch a lot of anime. As a matter of fact, I named a few days of the week by the anime that is scheduled to come out that day. Like... Tuesday is Wonder Egg Priority day. Wednesday? Re: Zero day. Sunday? Attack on Titan day. And there are a lot more. But anyways, I figure that writing a post on what I just watched would be a good idea. Now... because I am writing about about the latest episode, there will be spoilers. If you haven't watched the episode that I am about to write about, go watch it and then come back here because I am going to write as if my audience has already watched the episode. I'll mention a topic and then I"ll give me thoughts. So first up, the anime series Wonder Egg Priority Episode 4. Let's dig right in.