Showing posts with label Get a Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Get a Life. Show all posts

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Get a Life Podcast Coming Soon to Metallman's Reverie

Hey there.  It's time.  I'm ready to make an announce.  Trumpets please!  Brrrrr brrr BRRRRRRRRR!  We are starting a PODCAST!  Whoo hoo!  And the name of said podcast???  Get a Life!  lmao!  Who's excited?  I'm excited!  I say we because I will not be alone in this new project.  I've been thinking of changing things up here, at Metallman's Reverie, at first thought that maybe some video posts would be a welcomed change.  After doing my guest spot on the DragonCast on, I decided that I wanted to start a podcast.  One day, while chatting it up with one of the cohosts of the DragonCast, Brian, we thought it would be a great idea to start a podcast where a couple of guys sit around and discuss video games.  Now... this is not going to be a straight forward, information only, type podcast.  There will be no scripts involved and the converstations to be had in regards to games, their impacts on our lives and the impact that they have on the gaming community, will completely be had on the fly.  In other words, this podcast will be about a group of friends, with different personalities, just chatting away and throwing their 2 cents on what's going on in their world of gaming.  The only thing that will be missing is the couch and few beers.  lol  What's not to like?