Thursday, November 20, 2014

Mpow Dual Rapid USB Port Car Charger with Xsmart Technology Review

Look at the only car charger that you will ever need!
Hey there.  How many of you have a car charger to charge your mobile devices?  I'm pretty sure most of you raised your hands.  How many of you figured that they are all the same and it doesn't matter what kind of charger you have as long as it charges your phone?  Well friends, you are WRONG!  It definitely matters!  I've tried many USB port car chargers and I've seen others use theirs.  What I come away from those experiences is that most of us struggle with the car chargers.  Either the car charger is under powered or your device is unsupported.  The last thing I would have expected is to have multiple car chargers for different devices!  Well, fear not, friends!  Mpow has all of your devices covered!  All you need is the Mpow Dual Rapid USB Port Car Charger with Xsmart Technology!  Our good friends at Mpow provided me with one to test out and review and after having weeks with it in my car, I can definitely say that this is one of the best car chargers that I have ever had!  Before I go into my experience, let's talk specs.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fanduel is Simply Awesome for Fantasy Sports

Hey there.  I love sports.  Though my basketball team and football team are horrible this year (Raiders haven't won a game this season and the Lakers notched their 2nd win of the season last night), it doesn't stop me from enjoying the games.  I'm a fan of the sport so it really doesn't matter to me who's on the screen as long as it's a good game.  But why not take it step further?  Why not make watching a little more interesting?  This is why I love fantasy sports.  I've been playing fantasy football for a few years now and I can honestly say that since I started playing, my enjoyment of the NFL has increased.  Because I can pick and choose players from many teams to create my fantasy team, I end up following more games, I end up being exposed to different styles of play, and I end up appreciating what other teams are doing.  The same applies to fantasy basketball or any other fantasy sport that you may look into getting.  Because I choose players from many different teams, I tune in to see how they are doing.  And I'm not the only one.  It's why sites like Fanduel do so well.  You can play for free, but you can also plop down a dollar and see how you do.  Well... I recently accepted an offer from Fanduel to play a cash game for free.  Why not, I said.  Well... this is what happened from that free game...

Friday, November 14, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thoughts on... Oculus

Hey there.  I love horror flicks.  I am intrigued by the supernatural.  I think that Amy Pond, er... Karen Gillan, is awesome.  So when I find out that there is film out there that combines all three, I just had to check it out!  In a nutshell, Oculus is a film about a mirror and some spooky stuff that goes around because of it.  Brother and sister, Tim and Kaylie, vow to destroy it once and for all.  But can they get it done before the mirror does its spooky stuff on them???  Story doesn't sound original, but it does look intriguing, so when I found the film at my local Redbox, I couldn't resist.  I haven't done a Thoughts on post in a while so let's just lay out the ground rules before I get into it.  THIS IS NOT A REVIEW.  This is merely some thoughts and observations that I made while watching the film.  Also, I will speak candidly of the film so there will be spoilers.  If you haven't seen it, go see it now and then come back and check out this post.  Now, my thoughts on... Oculus.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Letter to Momo Blu Ray Giveaway

A Letter to Momo
Hey there.  I am a huge anime fan.  Especially of Japanese Anime Films.  While most are a but on the outrageous side, there are more than a few gems that are must watch films.  Because they are animated, they may get overlooked, but trust me when I say that A Letter to Momo is one that you do not want to miss.  And guess what?  I've teamed up with Film Book and 4 lucky readers will win the A Letter to Momo Blu Ray Disc set!  That's right, 4 winners!!!  Before I get into the details, here is the synopsis of the film.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Life After Beth Blu Ray Giveaway

Hey there.  Who loves romantic comedies of the zombie variety?  If you were one of those that yelled out, "ME!  ME!", then you are in luck!  The film, Life After Beth, has all that plus Molly Shannon and John C. Reilly!  And guess what, I've teamed up with our good friends at Film Book to give the opportunity to one of you fine readers to win this film on Blu Ray!  Before we get into the giveaway details, here's a synopsis of the film.

Mad Men Season 7 Part 1 Giveaway

Mad Men Season 7 Part 1 Blu Ray
Hey there.  Mad Men has been one exceptional TV show!  It has won many awards, such as the Golden Globe and an Emmy.  It you have been following this Don Draper and his colleagues for all these years then you know that the show is now in its final act!  Re-live the entire first half of the final season with the Mad Men Season 7 Part 1 Blu Ray Disc!  And just because you guys are cool, our good friends at FilmBook are hooking one of you guys up with the Mad Men Season 7 Part 1 Blu Ray Disc set!  Before we get into the giveaway details, here's a synopsis of Mad Men: