Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to Work

Hey there.  So I'm back at work after a week off.  It was good to stay home and not get up at the 7 o'clock hour and even though it was my vacation, I did end up doing some house work which has me feeling a little beat up.  Not too much though, since I wanted to take it easy, but I did end up doing some painting, some plastering, installed some light fixtures and did some yard work.  All in all, a good time to relax and spend with the family and they seemed to enjoy spending the time with me as well. 

I'll try to post a little later on about some of the stuffs we did and what I've been doing this past week.  Some of those highlights include Despicable Me, Monopoly Deal, and Leopard Sharks.  lol  Until then, later!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I've Been Hacked

Hey there.  This morning, I woke to an Email from my friend Alison telling me that I've been hacked.  Apparently, I sent out some spam Email containing a link to some Canadian pharmacy selling pink viagra.  That was not me, friends.  My account was compromised!  I've already took action and did what I had to do to make sure it doesn't happen again.  So if you received an Email from me with a link in it, I'm sorry, but it wasn't me!  Thanks.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Motivational Monday - Responsibility

Hey there.  Today is my first day of work vacation.  It's nice to be able to sleep in and not worry about the stress and responsibility from work. So I am taking it easy and just relaxing.  That's why I thought the below was soooo fitting.  That is exactly what I am NOT doing!  lol  Later!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm Taking Some Time Off From Work

Hey there.  I need a vacation.  I've been working my ass off at work and I'm beginning to feel a little burned out by it all.  So next week, I'm taking the week off.  I'm not going anywhere, I'm just gonna stay home and hang out with my family.  Sleep in when I can and re-energize my batteries.  I go through long stretches of work without vacation.  It's been almost a year since I took some time off and that was because my son was born.  I need to start planning some vacation time to where I actually go somewhere with the family.  That's not going to happen this time around, but maybe next time it will.  Until then, later!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Yeah... That just happened

I Should Check Out

Hey there. Last night, I was in bed, thinking...  It's summertime and it's bug season.  I hate the fact that ants, spiders, and in some cases mice, will enter your home and it always seems to happen during the summer time.  I don't know the exact reason for the critters entering our home but I'm sure it's to beat the heat and find somewhere that's a little humid as opposed to the dry heat outside.  Because of this, I've been thinking of getting a dehumidifier.

We have a humidifier for the baby.  It sends out moisture into the air to help the baby breathe when he has a stuffy nose, but once it's done, the moisture stays in the air and keeps the house humid.  I'm thinking this may be why insects come in.  A friend referred me to to check out some of the top rated dehumidifiers. Now, I'll be honest, I was confusing a dehumidifier for a humidifier.  I thought it was the same thing, but after reading up on the dehumidifiers reviews, I have a better understanding how they work and what people use them for.  And if you're looking to conserve energy, you can sort out energy star rated dehumidifiers and chose the one that's right for you.

I just found out that having a dehumidifier can also reduce the chance of getting mold in your house.  MOLD!  I think I may just end up getting one... I don't want mold in my house...  Especially since I've read that it can cost a fortune to get rid of.  Check it out, friends.  Later!